


difficult child 1 just called twice. He was supposed to be at the lake today. Apparently, they didn't go. So he's at my house.

He called first and asked to unhook the truck so he could go somewhere (after telling me they hung out at the pool and "had a few"). Then he recalled he doesn't have his wallet or license...

Now he just called asking for the keys to the gun safe. My heart leapt to my throat both times.

Wonder how long it takes for that to go away.


Active Member
Time to drop everything and get home ASAP to break up a party. Atleast you had a few phone calls to prepare yourself - how would you feel driving up to the house with no warning? I smell trouble brewing. And be extra careful approaching the home.


Oh my gosh! Yes get there and take charge. Or call cops and tell them somthing is going down. Sending you courage to handle this.............. Breathe........... stay as calm as you can.


Roll With It
Sending you hugs adn courage. If he gets a gun, you need the cops to handle it. YOU can't handle a bullet.

I hope the conflama ends and you can cope with the PTSD.



New Member
This sounds like a bit more than PTSD. It sounds like you have some real reasons to be concerned. The messages behind those phone calls had to frighten you to no end and rightly so. I hope everything is presently under control.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Oh, my Shari! Sounds like you need to break up that party fast! Forget PTSD, these are real reasons for concern.



It ended without incident.

He has now gone to his girlfriend's house for the rest of the week.

Breathing again.

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