Qanon, Plandemic and Kay's Lack of Reality


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My daughter, as some of you who have been here a few years know...99 percent of the time has great difficulties this time if the year. Right’s off the charts. I might post about it. This stress has been hideous for everyone...but ...for our kids...oh dear. :(


Well-Known Member
I don't watch the news nor did I know these conspiracy theories were mainstream???

Copa if you discussed the lizard people I can too. I was asking for help about my kids behavior and in no way is she happy. She is terrified. That's why we got called. She was talking about how she may as well commit suicide too, which was too hard for me to mention.

Frankly if I can't talk about my daughter honestly, which is why I came here, I won't come back. Delete barbaro. I don't believe I broke one rule. I will leave this post now. We have decided to make sure we never know what Kay says again. However if this is a common conspiracy I think this thread can help other parents cope when their kids lose touch with reality. Sadly our kids do that. And we need support.

Blessings to all.


Well-Known Member
I will talk to runaway bunny. I wrote because I am concerned about Kay and feel this thread could help others will similar children. Nothing we post is pleasant. Copa, if you mentioned that your son believes in lizard people, that's what I did.

Kay will not agree to disagree on any topic, not just this. getting worse, not better.


Busy, what you posted with respect to your daughter are legitimate concerns and frightening. The comments about refraining from politics were in no way directed at you. Yes, as has been stated here previously, there are people of various political persuasions who have mainstreamed some of the conspiracy theories you mention. And if you don’t watch the news (a wise decision!) you are probably unaware that these opinions even exist. It is unreal. But I think what folks are trying to avoid here is comments obviously in favor of one candidate or another.

Hugs to you.


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I really like it when people can “agree to disagree.” At least then there is respect, calm, communication...some forward movement etc.


Well-Known Member
People who are fascinated with ancient Egyptian art have wondered why it consisted of lizard people. Then, some guy wrote a book and stated a good enough argument to convince some people.

I think anything that is off the wall such as this is perfectly fine for discussion. There are many people at the homeless shelter and mentally ill people who believe these things. This is far from politics. People who believe these conspiracy theories need serious help, but will never see why.


Well-Known Member
Busy. In no way did I believe or did I write that you broke any "rule." In every way, I believe that what you wrote was appropriate to the spirit of this forum. But that is my personal belief, that counts for not much at all. My personal beliefs don't get to arbitrate what is appropriate, and what is not on this forum. Which is to say, I think each of us can legitimately express our personal boundaries. But that too is only a personal belief and value.

There are forum administrators that moderate these threads and this space and they make the decisions about content, ultimately. I reported a comment but it was not yours, Busy. I have a right to do that, to report a post, as does everybody here. And I believe I have that responsibility.

100 percent I would want you to receive the support you need and deserve.

To write that our children are doing and saying this, that and the other thing, whether about lizard people, or chemtrails, or Q or whatever is not the same thing as to foment division or fear here on this site, based upon conspiracy theories or any dispute whether religious or political or some other thing. My personal value is that it's best not to use this forum to foment social or personal division.

I have a great desire that this forum is protected and that each of us feels safe. I apologize that my intention was not made clear.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks all. is about my mentally ill daughter. What "some people" may find logical even though they aren't crazy doesn't concern me. My daughter has lost it. She is freaking out.over this. She has isolated indoors in her fear.

Indoors for her is just a small motorhome. I am thankful that it is winter in Arizona. There is no a/c in there. She is homeless.

Understand that my daughter is not political and never votes lol. She is just anti vax. She must read this stuff on her phone.

I am someone who feels there is life on other galaxies...that this makes sense. But I haven't seen any aliens and I'm not freaked out over it and I can put this in the back of mind and function. Kay can not. She has been paranoid before about the Feds, but now its on overload. by the way when Kay says Feds she is not talking about either party. They to her are just abstract people who want to vaccinate her and give her and Lee mental problems. Like she doesn't already have them! Trust me that for Kay she is hearing things that scare her but for her they are not about either political party. She mentions anti christ now too and has always been an atheist who ridiculed our belief in God or Satan.

I fear meth.

Thanks to all of you. Years ago I decided not to watch the news, that it was negative to me and bad for my soul and heart. I have had great peace without the news in my life but it keeps me out if the loop.

We both thank you for your support. Hugs!!!
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Just so that it is clear: moderators do not read every post and thread posted here. I personally only read what has been reported or is detected as spam. If a conversation goes off the rails please report it.

Here's a link to our community's Terms and Rules: Terms and rules

A quote from the Terms and Rules:

Discussion can be animated, which is fine, but we do not welcome personal attacks, on- or off-board. Derogatory, insulting, or belittling statements, directed at other members as well as direct or indirect personal attacks are not permitted on our forum.

It is fine to disagree with a different viewpoint, but please limit this to challenging the idea and not make your comments a personal challenge or make derogatory personal comments about individuals or their choices or circumstances, which disparage their ideas, opinions, their occupation or their personal situation. These examples are not exhaustive. Insulting or disparaging another member is a personal attack regardless of the manner in which it is done. These offensive comments are contrary to the spirit of legitimate, reasoned debate and damaging to the purpose of our community.


Well-Known Member
Busy... your daughter had the anti vaccine views before Corona virus appeared. Now there are more people who have conspiracy theories about this new vaccine. My cousin even sent out messages warning me and others not to get the covid vaccine because they are putting a micro chip that will track everything you do and where you go, and even if you have sex. Really!

I think people are allowed to have their opinions about whether or not to have a vaccine. But I think when it comes to blaming things like this on a political party or candidate, then that crosses a line that this forum isn't meant to be used for.

You did not cross any line. I was offended by one of the remarks in response to your post. But, the stress that this year has caused has probably caused a rise in anxiety and depression, and escalated other mental issues.



Well-Known Member
I agree with ksm that many of us are hypersensitive. I know I am. Please let me apologize to anybody and everybody that I may have caused hurt, here on this forum.
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Well-Known Member
ksm, do you remember tishthedish? She just posted a thread. If you have time I know she'd appreciate your support and counsel. Sorry to hijack, busy.


Well-Known Member
People who are fascinated with ancient Egyptian art have wondered why it consisted of lizard people. Then, some guy wrote a book and stated a good enough argument to convince some people.

I think anything that is off the wall such as this is perfectly fine for discussion. There are many people at the homeless shelter and mentally ill people who believe these things. This is far from politics. People who believe these conspiracy theories need serious help, but will never see why.

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