

New Member

It took us a long time (two years, three psychiatrists) to get my oldest stabilized. For him it was the combo of Lamictal to deal with the depression and somehow Topamax in small dose also seems to help. I tried to reduce the dosage but it seems to help also.

My advice at this point is that if Lamictal is working give it a chance, get up to what would likely be a therapeutic dose. It is very difficult, but I think you will be happier in the long run if you do systematic medication trials--one at a time, up to a reasonable dose unless there is a really bad reaction, taper down, try a new one, etc. Otherwise it will be difficult to know what works.

and yes, I found my children's therapist a good coping strategy for me.

and school adjustment probably isn't helping anything either.

hope you find a few moments a day just for you.