Crazy Cat Lady
I've never had an anaphylactic reaction to a vaccine. Back when they went from the needle TB test, to the patch test, where they put the tuberculin on a sort of big bandaid and put that between your shoulder blades, I had a BAD reaction to the adhesive that required medical treatment for a couple of weeks. It was pretty funny, the only part of skin that wasn't blistered was a tiny round bit where the guaze where the tuberculin was.
***For those of you who haven't updated your whooping cough vaccine, get the TDAP asap. It turns out that the original vaccine isn't permanent. While whooping cough can make an adult miserably sick, if that adult transmits the illness to a small child or especially an infant, it can kill them.
***For those of you who haven't updated your whooping cough vaccine, get the TDAP asap. It turns out that the original vaccine isn't permanent. While whooping cough can make an adult miserably sick, if that adult transmits the illness to a small child or especially an infant, it can kill them.