I wish I could tell you when the MMR was combined. My mom still has all those old records, but mine are not really correct. At some point someone at the doctor's office dropped a stack of files that had my records and my brother's and all the records for one of my classmate's and his siblings (I think he had 5 at that point). Not all the records had a name written on the papers. A cup of coffee also got spilled with the papers, so some of them were destroyed. Both moms knew that all of the kids were fully up to date on all the recommended shots, so they just wrote in whatever date seemed likely when they went to fill out the shot records. The doctor and nurses just made the charts back that up, and they were glad that the moms were so reasonable about it.
Did they line you up in school and vaccinate the whole class at once for various things, or do TB tests on the whole class at once? I remember them doing this to us when I was in elementary school. We also had tests for vision, hearing, scoliosis, and they tested our feet to see if we had problems with those. I thought it was strange because my doctors tested all of that already. It never occurred to me that classmates might not go to the doctor regularly. Of course I went to a Catholic school, so things were a bit different than in public school as far as seeing doctors.