Well-Known Member
We had anurse. But they don't have them anymore. My grandson has a health aide.
Yes!!I remember getting shots at school.
We got all the hearing, vision, dental checks, too.
I was in the last group to get the small-pox vaccine. They discontinued it the next year.
I was in a small, rural farming community.
Anyone remember the Bookmobile? It was a portable library. It would come down our lane every couple of weeks or so. We would get in the bookmobile van and pick out books and return them the next time and pick out new ones.
Did they line you up in school and vaccinate the whole class at once for various things, or do TB tests on the whole class at once? I remember them doing this to us when I was in elementary school. We also had tests for vision, hearing, scoliosis, and they tested our feet to see if we had problems with those. I thought it was strange because my doctors tested all of that already. It never occurred to me that classmates might not go to the doctor regularly. Of course I went to a Catholic school, so things were a bit different than in public school as far as seeing doctors.
You seriously got shots in school???????
Yes Annie I remember that very well. We were told to wear a thin T shirt with short sleeves to accommodate the jabs and the scholiosis assessment.LOL! OMG yes, line up and sit on benches to check feet, then stand and have spines checked. March into the little cubby behind the front desk that served as the nurse's office, behind the curtain, vaccinations. Into the library, in a portable setup like a polling booth, to check hearing, then to the other side to check our vision (oddly, they missed that I was extremely nearsighted until third grade).
I, too, went to a Catholic school - but it was VERY MUCH upper class, I think my parents got a break on tuition because we were middle class. I don't really know. I do know all my uniforms were secondhand.
I was in 2nd grade when I had the measles... Which tells me I *probably* did not get the combined MMR. That would have been in... 1979/1980. I did get the booster in December 2011, because I tested super low on my titers.
I worked on research for the HPV vaccine I paid to have Difficult Child vaccinated. At least it will reduce the spread of HPV and reduce the risk of his partners getting cervical cancer later in life. As the Condoms I bought him are still in the box in his drawer next to the contents of his Narcan kit....at least I tried.They did some shots at school, mostly the TB test and a booster for some shot that was just added, as I remember it. Most of us got our shots from the doctor, but the archdiocese would send a nurse or a group of medical people to the school for some things each year. They did all the Catholic schools every year. The shots were a new thing that was added because all of the middle and upper grades had to have the same shot. I remember because they never had the same thing for the 4th through 8th grades as far as TB tests and the scoliosis testing and physicals for sports (yes, they had a doctor come in and do those at the same time). Beth and Michael the Paste Eater both had fits over the needles.
Beth hyperventilated and Michael the Paste Eater tried to run away. Poor Michael. He ate paste all through kindergarten and first and second grades and was Michael the Paste Eater until he made the football team. Every grade had a kid or two that had a problem with the shot and the TB test.
If this wasn't a newly required booster, we would not have had it done at school, I don't think. Most of us got them at our doctor's office.
As for vaccines, I am VERY pro vaccines. There were children I stopped having playdates with when I learned their parents refused all vaccines. I was afraid that much stupidity might be contagious.
My kids got all vaccines except the HPV vaccine. Jess and thank you both had very bad reactions and were told not to continue with it. By the time the HPV vaccine was offered to boys, Wiz was not living with us, so I don't know if he has had it. It also was not offered to boys his age. They had their chicken pox titers tested at some period after their vaccine to make sure they were immune, just so they would not bring the disease home to me. My immune system works very badly, so my docs do not want me to have the vaccine. I was all for it, but with the way my system doesn't work, we don't know what might happen. I have developed reactions that nobody understands, so we have to be very careful.
I remember when someone tried to get me to sign up for a lawsuit saying that Wiz got Asperger's from his vaccines. I thought the idiot was playing a practical joke. I had heard of the "studies" linking autism and vaccines, but they seemed like bad science. Or rather, they seemed like the science that said that pickles cause cancer because 100% of the Russian soldiers who got cancer after serving in the Russian Army had eaten pickles in their MREs. It was stupidly applied statistics and stupidly used science. Then I laughed her out of my home when I realized she believed that trash. That stuff belongs in the Journal of Irreproduceable Results.