SS, my difficult child is 9 years older then yours (sheesh, yikes, holy cow!) and I have the same thoughts about her putting her energy into working or even looking for a job as opposed to spinning her wheels endlessly, relentlessly, daily, weekly and always trying to figure out ways to live without find someone to help her, or go to junkyards for parts, while trying to find someone to drive her there because she has no gas money, while cars break down repeatedly, bills are never paid, she "owes" everyone money (not one person has ever been paid back), most of her friends have skipped out, she goes to the next rung under what she was at before............and she's been actively doing this for 4 years now, since she lost her job. When I was frantic and helping, I would set up interviews for her and she would just sleep through them. I paid $1300 for her storage unit and she was supposed to move her stuff out so she wouldn't have to pay $135 a month.............that was about 18 months ago and her stuff continues to stay there while the storage people send notices of sale of the unit............and then she finds someone who will pay it in the eleventh hour. She lives at this odd level of survival where she relies on others almost entirely and sleeps most of the day, hardly has any friends, stays up all night playing games on her phone and then does the same thing again the next day.
It used to make me crazy, but it doesn't anymore. It is her life. I am not her I don't have to live there, she does. She insists it's freedom and then bemoans her fate but won't do anything at all to change it. I went through all the steps you are going through now. One day at a time. I let go. I detached. Just like you. It was hard, it was the hardest thing I have ever done..............ever................and you know what? One day it all got better...............and then better............and then even better...............I love her..............I wish it were different................but it isn't and there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT IT. Once I realized how powerless I always was, it got better. You are headed in the same direction. It DOES get better. Hang in there, keep doing what you're already feel so much better, don't you? That will increase and expand a lot.............