Okay to update and thank you for all your suggestions - If I have missed any don't hesitate to wave a flag and say HEY WHAT ABOUT MY IDEA!!!!!
I have called the local county detective for that area - who has an answering machine and reports crime in that area only. I left him a message. i hope he calls back. I said originally we thought she was lost, but someone has come forward saying they saw 2 teens running through the woods with her to the bad neighborbood behind this house.
I listed her on dogdetective.com
I listed her on findthatpet.com
I listed her on craigslist.com as stolen
I listed her with the 2 counties animal control
I listed her with the city animal control
I put her picture in the newspaper under lost/found.
I am telling Dude to put her on MY SPACE as STOLEN on his page.
I have sent faxes to all the above for a visual.
Dude had 30 or so posters I made up and posted them in stores where they sell dog food and treats.
I asked 2 sheriffs depts for dog ring addresses - and got OH WE DO NOT HAVE ANY REPORTED DOG RINGS....BULL! I said BULL too.
I called the sheriff's dept and asked to fill out a report.
I checked with radio stations - no good.
TV ? What a joke. Just to put her flyer on there.
So keep her in your prayers. Dude says he's giving up as it makes him sick. I told him I'll never give up. I want my baby back.