Well-Known Member
Truthfully I have debated whether to post again. My intention is not to make it worse. on the other hand I need to remind anyone in this decision making processs that baby #1 is often not the only grandchild. We decided to "co-parent" with GFGmom when easy child/difficult child was born AND we very clearly stipulated that we would NOT do so again. In 2.5 years she was pregnant with #2. We stuck to our word and before difficult child#2 was born she had found a subsidized apartment for her, the newborn and with #1 being allowed to visit when I agreed. #2 moved in with us when he was four. Honestly I truthfully still don't know what we should have done because although he was not abused he was raised very erratically...to say the least. So #1 basically spent all his life with us, #2 was in and out of our home for a total of less than ten years. ??#3 has never spent the night here. She and I see each other maybe four times a year. I feel badly that I just could not and can not nurture another child from my GFGmom.
I'm sharing this recap just to remind you that "the baby" may end up being "the first baby". There are a zillion things to analyze I'm sad to say. Also when I did volunteer work with the GAL program almost every young girl who lost custody of "her baby" made a replacement as fast as possible. Sigh. Sending prayerful support your way. DDD
I'm sharing this recap just to remind you that "the baby" may end up being "the first baby". There are a zillion things to analyze I'm sad to say. Also when I did volunteer work with the GAL program almost every young girl who lost custody of "her baby" made a replacement as fast as possible. Sigh. Sending prayerful support your way. DDD