Well, I realize my opinion is going to be the least liked on this board, but I personally have some law enforcement background under my belt. And my bestfriend was school resource officer of two middle schools and countless elementary schools. In reality, when your child has an outburst at school like this, it is the officers choice if they will be charged criminally or not. In MANY cases, the officer has a heart, thinks the child can be worked with, and refuses to press charges. Personally our child has nearly been charged with the EXACT same stuff twice. And I am thankfully that he HASN'T, but at the same time, I often wonder if he WAS to be charged, if it would lite a fire under his to realize that he DOES have a problem. I have personally been in MANY of these situations in the law enforcement field, and 9 times out of 10, no I would not press charges on the child, BUT ... if you do not show these kids that they can not act like that and just get away with it at THIS age, what is to happen when they become an adult? I am not questioning ANYONE heres parenting skills, but america as a whole has become entirely too soft if you ask my opinion, we spare the rod, and spoil the child. The good book warns of just such actions. And now we are living in an age, where if we touch our childern, WE go to jail. While our childern are free to throw this fits, hit people, throw things, and do as they want, with no punishment except for a time out, which they do not do anyway. I say it is about time that a child was charge with their misbehavior. And as far as them contacting the NAACP, I think is total bull. There ARE cases that I feel the NAACP does need to brought in on, there have been a few in my state personally where they have called out a person to investigate the situation to see if anyones civil rights have been violated. In this case, I feel the people who was assaulted by this child, and the edcuaters that had to deal with its rights have been violated, I realize they sign onto this job with an understanding of having to deal with this pressure, and I realize not many of you are willing to say this, but I will, I am thankful when my difficult child goes to school, because I know that if he has an outburst, someone else deals with it up front rather than me at the time. I have dealt with MANY MANY MANY of his outburst, and it is good for OTHER people to see it, and not just me. However, when it comes to striking someone, or throwing things at someone, that is where the law comes into play, and no more babying. If they want to act like a criminal, they should be treated like a criminal. Our difficult child's life long dream is to become a cop himself, and myself and his resource officer have both told him, that with actions like this, the closest he will get to a cop, is the jailers that are taking care of him when he is locked up. I apologize for anyones toes I have stepped on, but this is a forum, it is for discussion, which can lead to debates, and this is purely friendly and a point of view. If you do not like what I say, we can agree to disagree, if you want to make rude or obscene comments to me about my opinion, then feel free to just ignore my post, cause I have little use for someone who can not accept a friendly debate as just that, a friendly debate. I can agree to disagree, and then go buy you a cup of coffee, no hard feelings had. But, this is my opinion, and I feel that the child deserves punishment, even if it winds up being crinminal punishment, at this age, she can be charge, she SHOULD be charged ... when she gets older, if she becomes a decent citizen of society, she can contact a lawyer and have it expondge from her record at once she reaches the age of 18. Kind of a "no harm no foul" situation. As for the felony charge, that may stick around, but, lets hope that she takes it as a learning lesson. And yes, I do realize that these outburst to a POINT can not be controlled, but I also believe that these kids have at least a half knowledge of the chaos they are causing. When we was kids did we throw outburst like this? NO, cause we knew if we did, our would be so red we'd make apple look rotten. I PERSONALLY see it as a LOT of these outburst stem soly from the fact that we have lost our rights to put the fear of punishment in our childern, so it falls to the hands of the law enforcement and court systems to do what could be simply done at home (within reasoning). Now do not think that I am saying we should all go abuse our kids, that is not what I am saying at all, as a matter of fact I am strickly against child abuse. HOWEVER, there IS a fine line betwee punishment and child abuse. But, I feel rather than REMOVE punishment, lets educate people on what IS punishment and what IS child abuse, rather than just remove the rights of our people with CPS, and DSS, and all these other government agencys that tell us if we touch our child, we go to jail. I know personally, if everybody in this world had a big mama like I did, there would be less people behind bars and more people looking over their back for big mama before they did something stupid.