Hi Sharon,
Welcome and I'm sorry you needed to find your way here.
We have much in common. I lost a parent three years ago to Alzheimer's. My son is 18 and in college. I've taken his car away (DUI) but he is living in a dorm. I have no idea whether he will continue in school after this term.
I don't know about you, but I have locked up anything of value here plus changed my banking, etc. passwords. "His" car keys are locked in the safe. If he is here, I know where my purse is at all times. Also, I installed a security system. He has a roof over his head plus a meal ticket. I don't give him any cash and only provide a small amount of snack foods, toiletries, etc.
There should be an advisor at his school who can give you both some counsel as to whether his grades are good enough to finish the term or whether he would be better off to withdraw. I never trust difficult child's version of grades. I go to the source. Many colleges now have online course management software, such as Blackboard or WebCT, where you may be able to see his grades.
Outside of the amazing support here, I've started going to Al-anon. It has helped more than I can describe. I've also read several books on addiction and kids.
Keep posting!
Thank you AG. Haven't had a stealing problem ever with him, thank god.
Just talked to Financial Aid and he is in warning status already for financial aid next fall but I doubt he will be going back. I looked at Blackboard last night. I would be so much better off mentally if I didn't know how to get around things. He has barely done the work. He had many assignments due this morning and hasn't done a thing. He'll tell me he has it handled. This causes me to lose sleep nightly worrying about him and makes me so frustrated that I can't have a calm discussion with him. I have a feeling this isn't going to be a good day. My husband is driving him to school as I write and is hopefully going to be able to talk to him without a fight.