Janet I'm sorry for your pain and anguish.
Sounds like the boyfriend had a lot of good and bad qualities. It is real easy to focus on the bad when your hurting.
Weep until you can't weep anymore.
Think about all the good he brought to your life. Think about how far you've come since your eX.
Janet, you are a strong woman and you'll get thru this. You always say that "God has a plan". Well he does and today that plan doesn't include the boyfriend. Probably not tomorrow either. Doesn't mean the same next week or next month.
Don't sit around and wallow in misery or feel sorry for yourself. Take some time to focus on you instead of your King. Take some time to treat yourself like the Queen should be treated.
With a broken heart, you at least know you are still alive, not dying on the inside.
A wise person once told me that you have to love and have your heart broken many times before you really know what it means to love. I looked at him like he was nuts...until I broke it off with him nearly 3 years later. Broke my heart but it was the thing to do. No villians (except me for ending it. :wink: ) Been with the current Beau for nearly two years and couldn't be happier. I know I couldn't feel the way I do now without having loved before.
I'm tired, probably not making sense.