I learned here, in this group, after reading everything I could, therapy, etc. That we get confused between help and enabling.
Help is assisting someone to move forward in their life. Like working and being independent, acting like and taking responsibility like an adult should.
Enabling is anything we do that keeps our Difficult Child drinking and drugging, money, a place to stay, etc. Etc.
I am sorry I confused you. My Difficult Child is alive. I quit enabling two years ago when I faced the fact that after thousands upon thousands of dollars of my retirement only kept her gambling, and drinking. Every penny went to her alcoholism. I set firm boundaries with the guidance here. This group offers so much more than what a book and therapist can do. We learn to let go of unwarranted guilt, there is no what if story we haven't all been through, but I sure realize, it's necessary to call each other out when we start down that path.
My 41 y.o. Difficult Child is pregnant for the first time. She stopped her adderall and xanax and alcohol. This baby is giving her a will to live I did not think she had. Unfortunately the living circumstances are not good. The baby daddy doesnt work either and when she found out she was pregnant, she moved back in with him and his parents. I had my second normal conversation in the last 4 years. I wasnt able to talk on the phone. It was a boundary I had to set for myself. The texts were brutal, but ny sticking to my guns, I found trust. I let go and let God. I dont know what is in His plan, but I trust Him to know. I am so grateful I havent spent the last year (when I found this group), in the dark abyss of things that did not come to be.
As for all those people wanting to help, been there too. In my case, I found all they wanted to do was tell me what I needed to do. Had I followed their advice, rather than the facts I know about addiction and enabling, my daughter would not be where she is today. Its it the best situation, no, but she is the one who is responsible and I pray she continues to make good choices, because that's the only control I have, letting go, getting put of her way as she finds her sea legs.
"Keep your eyes wide open in the darkest of times. Only then you can rely on shooting stars."
Lincoln Hall