Active Member
By reading these forums, it sounds like a lot of you guys have had great outcomes with your schools. Is there a list online somewhere about how the different states or localities rank in educating difficult child's? The schools around here just want them out- "don't want to babysit". And, after checking into three day schools, the BEST one said 28 out of 110 returned to mainstream- which I don't think is good enough. My difficult child rages at home, but so far, has not at school. They act like they don't have a clue about these matters. If he is going thru a period of forgetfullness (accompanies his big bouts of depression) and doesn't take supplies- even a pencil to class- he gets kicked out of the class for the day with a nasty note from the teaacher and sent to the office. All his disruptions were handled as violations- no redirection, counselor involved, etc.- everything- slipping and saying a cuss word- putting a piece of paper in teachers pencil sharpener (although, they did note beside the violation that restitution wasn't necessary because he fixed it by pulling the piece of paper out). They've already told me if he goes to day school, they don't expect him to return to a public middle school. Why? Am I expecting too much to think he should be re evaluated this summer (privately) and I can bring current recommendations with the evaluation, hopefully find right medications, and IEP should be re-written to be more effective?? They don't want to give this a chance. :grrr: