state's ratings


Active Member
By reading these forums, it sounds like a lot of you guys have had great outcomes with your schools. Is there a list online somewhere about how the different states or localities rank in educating difficult child's? The schools around here just want them out- "don't want to babysit". And, after checking into three day schools, the BEST one said 28 out of 110 returned to mainstream- which I don't think is good enough. My difficult child rages at home, but so far, has not at school. They act like they don't have a clue about these matters. If he is going thru a period of forgetfullness (accompanies his big bouts of depression) and doesn't take supplies- even a pencil to class- he gets kicked out of the class for the day with a nasty note from the teaacher and sent to the office. All his disruptions were handled as violations- no redirection, counselor involved, etc.- everything- slipping and saying a cuss word- putting a piece of paper in teachers pencil sharpener (although, they did note beside the violation that restitution wasn't necessary because he fixed it by pulling the piece of paper out). They've already told me if he goes to day school, they don't expect him to return to a public middle school. Why? Am I expecting too much to think he should be re evaluated this summer (privately) and I can bring current recommendations with the evaluation, hopefully find right medications, and IEP should be re-written to be more effective?? They don't want to give this a chance. :grrr:


The reason some kids do not return to public school after a day (or egbs) therapeutic placement is their parents do not want them to. Another reason is IF the system is working correctly, then the most severe kids are in out-placement and while we would like to think all kids can be helped, sometimes this is not so. So there is a severity factor in the selection process.

I agree that your public school does not want your child. This is heartbreaking and ILLEGAL but if you are dependent upon public school, you will have to fight for what you can get--because if you don't fight, who will stand up for your difficult child?



Active Member
And I want to fight for him- but, what kind of vibes is he going to have to live with if they do keep him in his homeschool? Are they going to antagonize things until he gets expelled next year? If I could find a day school for difficult child's who are not that severe but need help turning things around and have a good success rate, I'd have him there in a minute. The ones the school proposed have these difficult child's in classes with other kids whho have issues all across the board- much more severe disabilities and conduct issues. They just put them all in a room based on grade/age group. I compared it to sending someone who'd lost their arm to physical therapy with quadrapalegics. Not that that isn't horrible, but wouldn't you get better results if the groups were tailored more to specific problems? This makes it look like they just throw all of them in there together because they've given up on all of them and aren't really trying to help any of them reach their potential. I've had a couple of people tell me that around here, that's pretty much the way it is.- A place for the sd to send the kids they don't want.


Active Member
That was a bad analogy I used in the above post- i apologize if it was offensive to anyone. The thing about the day schools proposed by the sd in this area- they are putting kids like ours in there with every other kid with behavior issues- no matter what else is going on-, some are mentally retarded, some have violent histories, etc., no matter, if they misbehave and have an iep and the public school doesn't want them but has to provide for them, this is where they go. All of these kids deserve education and help to suceed as best they can but i can't see that "one class fits all" can possibly be effective, and from what i hear from the attny, juvy, pschol., it's not. all the school sees is that they are disruptive in mainstream, they don't seem to think it's there problem to provide some real help.


I understand the problem--that is why I picked an EGBS for ex-difficult child that had no kids with huge conduct problems--almost the entire school was full of depressed internalizers--who only acted out when pushed.

Unfortunately, you have no legal right to control who else is in the placement. As far as I know, there has never been a test case of "can you put an ED kid in with severely and profoundly disabled children?" That would probably be a violation of LRE to say nothing of a very bad idea. Within the category, however, you do not get to choose the "flavor" of EBD.

I agree it is critical for success, however. Remember, your IEP protected child can never be "expelled" with no services. That is a violation of FAPE. However, that said, an ill-willed SD can make his, and therefore your, life miserable.



Active Member
sounds like music to my ears!! wish i could afford it!

so, if the general population got to a point of realizing that kids with dyslexia have different needs than kids with autism when it comes to educational help, even though they might share the same frustration when their needs aren't being met, why can't they see that when it comes to disruptive behavior, one solution will not neccessarily be appropriate for all kids??

ok, i'll leave it alone!!


I too agree with you. I cannot say one disorder is worse than another though. When looking at schools and camps, my fear is that difficult child and others like him will feed off each other rather than follow rules. So, I guess in saying that, I am just afraid of difficult child meeting