Struggling to be strong.


Active Member
I haven't posted in a while, trying to keep my head above water. Son is doing ok in univ classes, but he dropped one ( now at two) which is fine. The thing that bothers me is that now he has two days a week with nothing, and he is out partying more. He is drinking now, not drugs , but this seems just as bad. He really can't shake the party lifestyle.

Younger son has dropped one course now, down to four. I feel like my boys are a bit lazy!!! We have always valued education, I'm working on a fourth degree! What is wrong with them? My husband is getting more angry and I am feeling defeated. I am just hanging on by a thread. Some days are ok, but others are just so overwhelming with feelings of despair.


100% better than I was but not at 100% yet
My husband and I are both hard workers as are our two older sons but my youngest has nothing but excuses and seems very lazy. He is very bright but uses this in bad ways rather than to become a successful young adult. You are not alone!