Oh, I owuld take a lawyer or advocate. This school needs a good smack upside the head and a lesson in reality and IDEA. They TAUGHT the song to your child? And suspended them for singing it? Can you say L-A-W-S-U-I-T AND M-E-D-I-A?? I bet THEY can.
Find the consumer advocate that one or another station will have. They LOVE this kind of idiocy. Esp the 5 hour wait in the office, the song the school taught them, etc...
I know our SD would bend over backward to accomodate you.
Be SURE to bring up the assault on peanut, the niece's assault, all OK by the school. Reporters just go to town on this stuff.
If you don't get what you want, sue or expose. No need not to if they are going to continue this behavior. They are in clear violation of common sense, if not the law. And problem the law.
Check out Special Education, you will be amazed!