teen pregnncy!!!!!!:( HELP!!!


Active Member
I too was pregnant and single at 18. I was afraid to tell my parents and quickly married the man who would then make my life miserable for the next 32 yrs.

I am glad your daughter told you. stand by her. be prepared to raise the baby yourself. if you can, encourage her to give it up for adoption. I wanted ant and danielle to give up my grandson for adoption before he was born. they didnt and his life is lonely and he is left with anyone any time for long periods. I cannot intervene as I am not the parent.

A baby is on the way and it is not the baby's fault. sigh


Active Member
There is a great book "Pregnant: Adoption is an Option" explores whether parenting or adoption are the right choice for each person. If she won't read it, it might be good for you. Amazon has it.

So sorry,

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful

I'm sorry I meant to reply much earlier.

Sending many many supportive hugs during this time. Fourteen is awfully young. When you see the ob doctor you might want to discuss the physical risks to difficult child for carrying/delivering this baby. Good to know what you're up against at the very beginning.

You're an awesome Mom. You're Mom'll be proud. :warrior: difficult child is one lucky girl.

Nichole got pregnant at 16. The baby is 16 mos old, Nichole has graduated high school and is in college. It doesn't mean certain disaster. Her life isn't ruined. Just means she'll have to work harder to get where she wants in life. And she does have you supporting her. Huge plus there.

Hope things are going well.



New Member
I expect you are still reeling from the news. My heart goes out to you and your daughter. I have no good advice for you, just lots of hugs and love going your way. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and you will get there, no matter how slowly.