I feel like I'm living with a ticking time bomb. Things have been pretty good lately. A few angry outburst but quick to calm and not violent towards me or anyone else UNTIL.... this weekend. We went to Lowe's to run a quick errand, difficult child sees a cooler of large water botttles and wants one. I say, not now, those are too big. We will get something to drink soon but I am not buying that here. Little did I know that this was going to be such a big issue. difficult child shoves the shopping cart into me and threatens to hit me if I don't buy him the water. I tell him to calm down and that we are going to go through the checkout. He will get a drink soon. He was furious when we left without the water. He was kicking and hitting me all through the self-checkout lane. In the parking look he tried to run off and I caught him by the shirt and managed to get him to the van. A man comes up to me and asks if I need help. I thank him as it is probably what persuaded difficult child to get into the car and buckle up. It was a rocky ride home and he spent the rest of the day in his room (I did feed him and provided plenty of water for him--he says, I'm not thirsty NOW!). Could I have done 100 things differently? Sure, I could have bought the water, I could have said we weren't going to buy the water but taken him to a water fountain, I could have been specific by saying, I will buy you a drink at the snackbar outside, etc... But the point is, he felt justified in hitting and kicking me because I wouldn't do what he wanted and he was angry. He did not feel any remorse about this even later when we discussed it. He kept going back to the fact that he was thirsty and wanted the water. I tried to get make the point that feeling thirsty or feeling angry at me does not make it okay for him to hit me. He doesn't get it and I am becoming more afraid to take him anywhere because I never know what will become a "big deal" and set him off.