Decent day with tk she spent Saturday at her dad's hanging out with her dad's girlfriend getting nails done and hair played with. She suckered dad's girlfriend into washing her hair. Which she does herself most of the time. Trying not to have hurt feelings about her bonding with the girlfriend. She doesn't need my issues.
Most of the reason we got along today was just my refusal to get fed up. She took forever about homework, she didn't want to eat, she was running around upstairs long after I put her to bed. But we rented the movie I've been looking for, for two weeks. Hubs was down to watch it with me without trying to go to sleep in the middle of it and being attentive.
Hubs and I had a squabble yesterday about an hour after I discovered my first monthly visitor in over two years. He started with his difficult child hub bull **** and I didn't bite my tongue like I've been doing.
He has been nicer since.
Which is good because my hormones are going nuts.
So I tried to be nicer and just let go a little of the iron control I usually try to have, and it worked out, at least today. Even though it wasn't my way no one was hurt, no one including myself cried or was upset and we even laughed a couple of times. I wish I could hold on to this a little longer. But today was as close as I've come to a win in a while.