My son's dad was around and involved and he turned to addiction.
So, the monastic retreat was the most amazing experience this time. I had gone 2yrs ago, it was not the same experience. Many ppl return to this place, over and over. Some, annually and some monthly, even. I will not go into many details, apart from what I shared in post #23. There is no way to repeat or explain what all transpired.
Suffice it to say, the Holy Spirit (or for those non-religious folks), Higher Power, was present in more than one moment for me. Another retreatant, a young woman (30?) who has been 'sober' for 6yrs now, had a 'mystic' occurrence while she was in one of the prayer rooms alone, that of 'Our Lady of Guadalupe'.
The 31yr old, 8yr sober guy (a standup comedian!) that we sat with at breakfast that morning, is like a clone of my son - but sober now. Same anxieties, super intelligent, cerebral, a sweetie, & other stuff, same story, almost. Mind-blowing stuff here.
Out of the 30 retreatants, there was, of course myself (mom of an addict), 3 other parents of addicts, several recovering alcoholics, my friend whose brother is an alcoholic, and a person whose spouse was a sex addict. And perhaps there were more? Who, due to being shy, or more private, did not speak at all. We were all there due to the retreat topic - 'Befriending Fear'. We were given the floor to speak out to group about our 'fears' and so I did. Took a leap of faith and admitted my fear for my addict son. The outpouring of love, hugs and offers of prayer for me and my son, that I rec'd after that mtg was over....and then continued all weekend, was overwhelming.
I sat with one of the Trappist brothers or 'monks' on Saturday night, for about an hour. He is the main one, who gave the total of 5 talks on the fear topic. We discussed my son. This 68yo monk has been in the monastery since 1968. He was prior, in the Navy, where he partied and drank. He is just filled with worldly & sage wisdom, I am baffled by this, as he lives in a monastery! I took away some really wonderful, simple tips, advice.
I highly recommend to anybody whom this type of retreat appeals to, to do a search on monastic retreats that may be local to you. It is for ANYBODY, religious, atheist, Jewish, whatever! All are welcomed. Very fortunately, I live under an hour away from this one. I plan on returning again in the next 6 - 10 months. My friend loved it. She flew up here to attend this with me, from south FL!
I found a wonderful, loving therapist 3wks ago. She is the right mixture so far, of honesty, compassion and best thing? She does not sugar coat things for me, she tells me how I am being ridiculous where son is concerned. (she doesn't use that word, lol) Today, she told me I have to stop telling my son what he needs to do. Stop asking him stuff like '
did you make your dentist appointment yet? why not? have you been looking for a job? why not? you need to _________ (do this) or you need to ____________(do that)' She said I am
'keeping him feeling like a little he is not capable....keeping him attached to mommy (bad!).....making him think he's inept. By me doing this, I am keeping him from real
growth, maturity, independence!! The addicts think
this when we do
this: "I am not capable. See? My own mother (father, whoever) thinks I am incapable, she has to do things FOR me. Therefore, I
must be incapable." And, voila! They STAY incapable.
She also said by me doing this, telling him what to do, even if only once in awhile, it is keeping him attached to mommy. For a man to be a man, especially an independent man, he MUST be free from 'mommy issues' (ie cut the cord).
I have been 'better' at this, ie doing it wayyyy less. But, she says I need to STOP.
And NOW.
I told her that, internally, I felt like me being overinvolved with him and his life, that it is a 'selfish act', that, somehow, it just
feels wrong. She agreed. She said
'being overinvolved is a way for you to keep your own anxieties at IS selfish." I love her, she is real, raw.
The last thing I want to do, in any aspect of my life, is to be selfish. Especially in such a way where it could hinder my own son.
As I already shared, last Tuesday night, he relapsed and went to another PHP - a faith-based one. I am not sure how 'faith-based' it daily? Prayer morning and night? I dont' know. But, I am hoping at minimum, he finds some Higher Power, or that a seed is planted while he's there. As him being his OWN Higher Power hasn't been working out all that well for him so far.
I have not heard from him, he has no cell phone access, but can make an occasional call. I am completely fine with this, that I have not gotten a call. I am very angry with him, not so much for the relapse, they are part of recovery. But, for the fact that whomever was driving that night, he was in the car with others, one of them was driving intoxicated. Completely irresponsible.
I will keep this in my craw and use it to keep me firm, grounded and on the 'hold him accountable', up and up with him. I have no desire to call the PHP place and check on him, which by now I would've def done, and maybe even daily.
My daily struggle now, is going to be to stay strong.
This needs to happen for my son's own good. Because I can ruin this, stifle this from happening. How I relate to him, can have very large effects on his future sobriety, indirectly of course.
If I put this on myself in this way, that it is FOR HIM...I think I can be stronger. The last thing I want to do, is to
stifle his progress. And sadly, I have been very guilty of doing
just this.