unchecked anxiety & relapse


Well-Known Member
I haven't read all the replies but SWOT please tell me what treatments you use for your anxiety. My oldest has severe anxiety and has been on paxil for years which held it in check. She recently weaned off with doctors help and very slowly but her anxiety came back even worse and she says she feels awful, obsessive thoughts, anxious about everything, blowing things out of proportion, can't sleep, etc. I feel so bad for her. She started back on paxil but it will take a while to kick in. She wants to get pregnant and can;t be taking paxil. We are desperately looking for a psychiatrist that can help with this but are hitting a stone wall.


Well-Known Member
Nancy, I read self help extensively for one, but liked diakectak behavioral theraoy the most for anxiety. mist if us are anxious vexause we are regretting the past or worrying about the future. if our anxiety is VERY bad we can get stuck on sone hirrible thought, such as being blown up in a terrirust attack, even though the pissubility us remite. Learning to stay in the present gas really helped. Tell your daughter to find a psycholigist who uses mindfulness for stress relief. ir cant hurt her to see if it works for her.


Well-Known Member
She is seeing a therapist now but really needs medication. Yes she gets stuck on something she said or did that she thinks hurt someone and obsesses over it. She can;t watch the news without obsessing over the horror in the world. She thinks the worst will always happen. She has read a lot of self help books, they don;t seem to help. I'll research this mindfulness you talked about. Thanks. I feel so bad for her she says she can't turn her mind off and thinks she is crazy.


Well-Known Member
Oh, yes, encourage her to get help. It's not fun at all! A psychiatrist who can prescribe different medications. And tell her to stop wathing the news. That helped me a lot


Crazy Cat Lady
My niece had what can best be described as "thought Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)". She'd obsess over the thought that she'd hit a pedestrian while driving and have to repeatedly go back and check.

In her case, it took a lot of therapy and exposure therapy to beat this. She's come a long way, but it seems to be something that requires lifetime work to stay on top of in her case.

Another obsession was that food she'd prepared had somehow become poisoned. At this point she is on Luvox, which is basically atomic Prozac, and that and therapy really seem to be helping her.


100% better than I was but not at 100% yet

My son takes Effexor for his anxiety. 175 mg. and he said that is all that has ever worked for him and he has been on LOTS of different drugs. A good friend of mine also takes it and she says it helps her tremendously. She is on half the dose he is on though. I wish he would dial it down.


Like Darkwing said in a post, this is not a quick fix or sprint. It is a marathon. Personally I have never heard of anyone getting sober the first time in rehab. When I heard that I was truly mortified. I didn't want to believe it. It came true in our situation though. We are now on fifth time (two in Florida).

My son told me one time that he didn't change or grow up because he "didn't have to". I think about those words all the time. I thought by him seeing he could not live in his family home that he would see that he now "had to". But I just am not sure. I don't contact him much because I want him to feel that HE is on his own. It helps me too. I would rather NOT know what is in his head because I probably won't like it.

I'm just trying to be realistic as much as I don't like it.

You are doing so much better with yourself. Stay strong!!!


New Member
Is your son on any psychiatric medications? Or street drugs other than DXM and weed. The symptoms he describes, especially not being able to keep still, and feeling like he's going to crawl out of his skin, are called 'akathesia'. It is a common side effect of antipsychotic drugs and other drugs that affect dopamine, which DXM does. DMX also does a number on seratonin.

He NEEDS to be under the care of a psychiatrist, AND he needs to be under the care of an addictions specialist. Akithesia, if it gets bad enough, can lead to suicide.

I've had it twice from atypical antipsychotics and it is one of the worst side effects I've ever experienced from a medication.

He has to get help for this before it worsens. Meanwhile, Benadryl (Diphenhydramine HCL) dosed 50mg at a time helps with akathesia for a lot of people. It's what doctors most

Reading about your son doing DXM because he was "excited about a job interview" is concerning. Drugs have become a "go to" response to whatever happens in his life and that is scary.

I came close to becoming an alcoholic right after my husband died in 02. 2 things stopped me. One was realizing that a "beer to help me sleep" had become 4 beers, and the other was the day, driving back from visiting my mother, that I stopped and picked up a six-pack as a "reward" for making the long drive and emotionally surviving the visit.

I quit drinking, other than very occasionally, then. Your son doesn't seem to be dependent on any one drug and as far as I know, DXM isn't physically addictive, but he's DEFINITELY got the addict mindset going full force.

It's a matter of time before he becomes addicted to something.
Jumping in
Somewhat newbie here,been posting on my "sexually assaulted after a night drinking Difficult Child"She is,awaiting a bed at a treatment facility and has def issues with anxiety which seem to drive her substance abuse.Was prescribed Effexor 37.5 mg and( 30 ).5 mg clonipin by her obgyn post assault;not sleeping.I was keeping the clonipin and giving her one at night when she takes the E.She feels she needs one C in the a.m AND one at night to keep her anxiety down as not sure the Effexor is,working (it's only been 3 days rhough ).Should I not give the clonipin.She gets angry that I'm not letting her manage her medications and that I'm controlling her and her 'demon" has been alcohol,not pills.Am I being manipulated.I can relate to REBELSON and your sons anxiety/s/a issues.All of you dealing with anxiety issues I feel compassion for,it adds such a layer of difficulty.MOF and RN have been advising me as I am so very new to all of this.Your retreat REBEL sounds awesome!


Crazy Cat Lady
How has the klonopin been prescribed? If it's been prescribed 1 dose at night only, that's what you dispense. If 2x daily, dispense that.

Unfortunately, Klonopin, or K-pins as they are called on the street, has a high recreational value in higher doses and is popular on the street for that reason.

With your daughter's history, I would try very hard to keep control of the substances of abuse, while being aware that legally, you don't have a leg to stand on.

If the medications are subscribed 1x per day and she is hassling you for more, call the prescribing doctor. They can't give you any info about her, but nothing says you can't give them into. Tell them that your daughter is trying to get more of the drug than prescribed.


Well-Known Member
I take klonopin. once 1 mg. at night. Never did increase the dose...ugh, sounds horrible to detox from it. Think I'll take the dose forever. It stops my panic attaks cold anyway.


Crazy Cat Lady
SWOT, that's sort of my take on the Temazepam and Lorazepam that I take. I've been on them for nearly 11 years.

psychiatrists have increased the Lorazepam dosage twice in that period, not due to me asking for an increase. I'm still on the same dosage of Temazepam (for sleep) that I started with, though have added a huge dose of Trazadone to that in the past year.

I'll be on something to sleep for the rest of my life a without sleep medications, I simply don't sleep, which is not pretty with a bipolar person.


100% better than I was but not at 100% yet

When I hear that word it sends my mind to a scary place.

That is the first drug my son was given for anxiety - he was 15.

It was also the first drug he abused (other than marijuana). It was absolutely a horrible experience. I was so naive.

I know it is a drug that helps other people tremendously - if they don't abuse it.


Well-Known Member
Not everyone can take benzodiazepines as prescribed.

Not everyone can drink.

Not everyone can smoke pot responsibly.

Everyone is different. It IS scary. You never know which you are.


New Member
Thats the difficult part.I'm very thankful if there is something she can take responsibly that relieves her anxiety and sleeplessness and therefore MIGHT take away her need to self Medicate with extreme binge drinking,but only time will tell if she will abuse that too.I was hoping the Effexor might be enough for her but she feels that it only "takes the edge off" and does nothing for her insomnia and nocturnal racing mind that she cannot shut off.The PA that prescribed the Klonipin does not realise that she has had issues with alcohol abuse.She did not tell her and I'm sure gained sympathy because of the sexual assault and consequently Herpes that she contracted as a result.Like I mentioned it is only .5 mg at bedtime for sleep but she feels another .5 during the day is reasonable.I am controlling her access to them for now,but I know she will have to at some point.I told her she needs to be forth coming with her DR.and do it the "right way" and ask for the dosage to be increased accordingly.I'm just not sure if she should have started these drugs prior to going into trestment.If prescribedby her primary will or should they be administered while in treatment.If the medications help her to sleep,bring down her anxiety level and "plug in" while there,isn't that a good thing?I know the potential for abuse is there but I don't have a crystal ball.I'm trying to jump ahead perhaps too much.She is about to come in the door now.Praying she has not drank,oh lord,there goes MY anxiety : (


Well-Known Member
trolli, I apologize because I only read the first several lines and a bell rang in my head.

Your daughter has signs of bipolar mania. Classic signs. Neither Effexor or Klonopin can help that,if indeed she may have that. It makes more sense with the severity of her symptoms than anxiety

Has she ever been evaluated by testing? Does she have high energy times that yurn to depressed lethargy?


100% better than I was but not at 100% yet
Sever psychiatrists I have talked to say they do not feel that a benzo is a long term solution for anxiety. It works quickly but when it wears off you hit a wall. I guess if it's just at bedtime it may be okay.

The better solution is therapy to help deal with the anxiety with minimal medications. At least for my son this is what he needs to do.

I have never taken anything at all like that and I know my son cannot take them ever again. I used to try to control them and lock them up but he'd break into the locked cabinet. I even brought them to work and he stole my badge from my car one night and came into my office building at 2am one morning. Somehow he did not get caught. I was MORTIFIED when I found out. I work in safety and security for a steel company and my boss would have popped a gasket if he knew that happened. I was so afraid he'd find out but luckily he did not. He also took my corporate credit card out of my desk and bought $15 in gas and put it back in my desk. So he came in two times that night. I had to explain that too but I just said I used it for gas by accident so it was not a big deal.

This was many years ago but just an example of the lengths he'd go to.



The fact you haven't heard anything could be ok. Our son didn't communicate too much either...still doesn't.

You know he's safe. I so wish I could keep mine in a program...7 months isn't much.

He's there....hearing and absorbing..We all know the reality of a lapse. Hopefully the counselor is good.

Continue hope..prayers..hugs


Active Member
I even brought them to work and he stole my badge from my car one night and came into my office building at 2am one morning. Somehow he did not get caught. I was MORTIFIED when I found out. I work in safety and security for a steel company and my boss would have popped a gasket if he knew that happened. I was so afraid he'd find out but luckily he did not. He also took my corporate credit card out of my desk and bought $15 in gas and put it back in my desk. So he came in two times that night. I had to explain that too but I just said I used it for gas by accident so it was not a big deal.
OMG. That was a brazen, desperate, serious act! You could easily have been fired. And he, in big trouble. Was he high when he did that? Or, was he sober and desperately seeking a higho_O? You probably have no idea.

The fact you haven't heard anything could be ok. Our son didn't communicate too much either...still doesn't.
mof- I am not worried about not having heard from him. The fact that he has access to a phone each night for a set period of minutes, and has not called me - merely confirms to me, that he knows I am pissed. Having said that, I definitely think I'd have heard from him on day 1 or 2, if he did not think I was pissed. I think, feel like I am his security blanket, so to speak - which is not good. I am his mother, yes, but he is an adult now, not a child. He should not be leaning so heavily on me, like he still does. Seeing this so clearly now, hopefully will help me to detach more so & at a more rapid rate than I have been.

I look at it like an equation now:
sobriety for him = me detaching + him having to deal with his anxiety issues & his issues stemming from his (active or past) addiction

Ha. I sound so strong, stoic ^^^. I'm so not:(.

The Nar-Anon meeting on Thursday night was very good. I spoke, started to cry, but contained it (sort of) - everyone (there 19 in there) rushed to pass me the tissues:redface:. I like this group, I need to try and make an effort to get to at minimum, one of the Tuesday or Thursday night mtgs.
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R- I think us sounding strong is good practice at least! I have not found a group yet...but we will be speaking to therapists.

We saw him today...bros were with us...had been 3 mos for them. Except for the lip piercing that freaked them out and he removed..He looks great. I don't want to curse anything..but I believe he has found some faith. Yes, u know I work in ministry...but we believe that everyone has their own walk. You won't find me pushing one way or another...but there was a marked difference.

It's hard, he is brutally honest with people...like, I live at such and such ....I'm a recovering heroine addict.

I pray when you do hear from your son you are able listen as a Mom and he as a son who is on his own path. We r just a character in their story.

Hugs to you...We r all strong everyday when we stand up and take a step for us.


Active Member
Thanks, mof.

I need to clarify a part of my above post, where I said I was pissed. I'm not so much pissed that he relapsed, as that is sort of expected on their attempts at sobriety path.

I am SUPER pissed that he was in a car with an inebriated driver OR he was the inebriated driver. I don't know the details nor do I wish to.

Yes, we are just characters in their story. Happy Sunday, I'll pray hard for our boys while in mass tmrw:smile:.