unchecked anxiety & relapse


Thank you!

I get it....we wonder what sane brains they have left!

Unfortunately the truth will always seep out...


100% better than I was but not at 100% yet

I imagine he was high when he used my work badge. I felt so awful when I saw that he did that to me. Like there was nothing he wouldn't do.

That was before we realized he was an addict though. I'm sure there are things he's done that I don't want to even know about. It all is so sickening.

I hope your son does well in the place he is at now. I think not hearing from him is a good thing. He needs to get emotionally strong on his own and not rely on you so much. I feel that about my son too. He should be more independent thinking at almost 21.


Has anyone taken remeron? My son takes it 3x a day for anxiety and depression...I t is also available at GNC. They said therapy would be good for son, but after taking medications for awhile....maybe it's a maturity thing, I don't know.

His medications seem to be working well, and he won't miss a dose..says they make him right. Just curious.


Crazy Cat Lady
Remeron (mirtazapine) is NOT available at GNC. It is a prescription SSRI/SSNRI antidepressant. It is taken once per day, usually at night as Remeron causes sleepiness in most people, especially at lower doses.

Please find out exactly what your son is getting from GNC and make sure his psychiatrist know what and how much of it he is taking.


No, it is prescribed. He also takes effexor.....apparently someone said there is a generic . He only gets prescriptions ....it's cheaper that way. He does take anti depressants 3 x a day..a counselor actually called his doctor and was concerned the mat he was given...they have adjusted it every 8 wks. When he gets home...He will see a new doctor that may have a different opinion.


Crazy Cat Lady
Effexor and Remeron are both out in generic. However, I have NEVER heard of antidepressants being give 3x daily, at least not the modern SSRI/SNRI ones.

There is a risk of what is caused "Serotonin Syndrome", a systemic illness caused by excessive serotonin that can occur when too many serotonin increasing drugs are taken or are taken in too high doses. This syndrome can be fatal.

One must be careful of many street drugs as well if they also act on the serotonin system in the brain. DXM and Tramadol are examples of drugs found on the street that can interact with antidepressants.

Tramadol actually has SSNRI activity in addition to its painkilling properties. DXM can be extremely dangerous to people taking modern antidepressants.

Please, get your son into the new psychiatrist as soon as possible so he can get his medications straightened out. Be aware that if he is currently taking very high doses of Effexor and is cut down, that he may go through withdrawal from the drug, which is supposed to be quite unpleasant. Remeron has a withdrawal if quit cold turkey but it's nowhere near as bad as Effexor. It's more like feeling really irritable and "strange" for a week or two, and if taking Remeron at night, possibly having difficulty sleeping.

The big thing right now is that if he is taking unsafe doses of Effexor, he has to either come off the drug entirely, or be tapered down to a safe dosage and scheduling.

Good luck with this


Thanks, his house doses his pills for him. But yes, I am looking forward to him being recessed....We were told his doctor is very conservative.

I will call him and ask at what dosages he is actually prescribed...He is drug tested regularly...clinical also as they have problems sometimes with the guys skipping their medications or not taking them.

Thanks again for the info


New Member
trolli, I apologize because I only read the first several lines and a bell rang in my head.

Your daughter has signs of bipolar mania. Classic signs. Neither Effexor or Klonopin can help that,if indeed she may have that. It makes more sense with the severity of her symptoms than anxiety

Has she ever been evaluated by testing? Does she have high energy times that yurn to depressed lethargy?
She has not been tested.Not sure what that involves.She is moody but usually notice more extremes with that around her periods.We always just say,my husband,her brother and I,that she set has some psychiatric issues,beyond the substance abuse.She just arrived at a treatment center in Fla,this a.m Hoping they can help her and us.I know that it's going to be a long road and this is only the jumping off point : (


New Member
Is this a dual-diagnosis facility? Those kind have more experience dealing with the mental illness component.
Yes,it's a dual diagnosis,gender specific facility.She has been there since this past Friday,after leaving detox.Today will be the first day that she meets with her therapist,she has been attending DBT/CBT group sessions and AA meetings only,thus far.They have tweaked her medications a bit.Changed her from Effexor XL,nightly to Effexor non XL,in the a.m,as I don't think it was helping her insomnia,possibly made it worse,taking it at night.No benzos any longer (She had Ativan at night for sleep at detox,center)just her chamomile tea.I'm waiting for the complaints to start,but so far they have been minimal.I pray she likes her therapist and will continue to "plug in" and address,her issues.