Other than being ill, thanksgiving was good. Son had dinner at the shelter, then another dinner somewhere else. Said it was the best thanksgiving ever.
Yesterday, we made some ham sandwiches and took to him and J1, along with a pack of cigarettes. Since Jabber and I.are both sick now, seemed like a good time to quit. Again, nice day.
Of course, today we're getting ready for our 2 hr drive to the relatives, and the call comes, "I need you now!!!" We go. He's missed work again ringing the bell because his back hurts..J says he's a little wussy and that he's going to blow all his money. (That is, that my son is going to blow his OWN money) And on and on.
He was told to never call us like that again unless he's gushing blood.
He was also told again, that this will never end unless he ends it. "But J is all I've got." He said. I told him, "You're like an abused wife who won't leave her husband because he's all she's got.". It's better to have NO friends that someone who drags you down.
The fact is, I want to say, you ARE a wussy! You keep letting this guy treat you like this, use your stuff, and all the while you CARE what he says!
I really wish I hadn't given him my cigarettes.
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