Uninvited guest for Thanksgiving


Well-Known Member
Take care......it really is just another day. Norman Rockwell should be shot with a zillion sappy Hallmark cards. They have collectively made more than half the population feel like crap for not being "that" family.


Well-Known Member
After divorcing a difficult child, drug addicted husband, now dealing with my difficult child son and the difficult child girlfriend, I'm tired of dealing with difficult child drama. It seems to worsen over the holidays.

I have difficult children in my fam that are not druggies or drinkers, but love the drama.....some were going to the family get together, but said they were not talking to so and so.

So this Thanksgiving I said no to everyone and hubby and I enjoyed a delicious 11 pound turkey with all the trimmings including pumpkin pie. We also donated to four different charities for others to enjoy a good meal.

We will be eating leftovers for a week BUT I had a wonderful time preparing our dinner, he complimented my cooking, and we have the best drama free Thanksgiving in a very long time! I do not feel obligated to deal with anyone any more. Hope your turned out as well as min.
I am with you 100%. I have peaceful holidays on my mind, not saving dramatic, dysfunctional people and, like you, my Thanksgiving rocked the world. I have no idea why anyone would ask for drama, but I am only myself and I think this choice of yours, to leave Drama Queens and Kings to their own devices, was excellent. Very healthy.

Why should holidays be stressful? The only are if we allow stressful people at our table and that ain't happening in our house any longer. Just a decision made between my hubby, myself and awesome grown kids. NO DRAMA HOLIDAYS! Yes, it's possible and lots of fun :)


Well-Known Member
Other than being ill, thanksgiving was good. Son had dinner at the shelter, then another dinner somewhere else. Said it was the best thanksgiving ever.

Yesterday, we made some ham sandwiches and took to him and J1, along with a pack of cigarettes. Since Jabber and I.are both sick now, seemed like a good time to quit. Again, nice day.

Of course, today we're getting ready for our 2 hr drive to the relatives, and the call comes, "I need you now!!!" We go. He's missed work again ringing the bell because his back hurts..J says he's a little wussy and that he's going to blow all his money. (That is, that my son is going to blow his OWN money) And on and on.

He was told to never call us like that again unless he's gushing blood.

He was also told again, that this will never end unless he ends it. "But J is all I've got." He said. I told him, "You're like an abused wife who won't leave her husband because he's all she's got.". It's better to have NO friends that someone who drags you down.

The fact is, I want to say, you ARE a wussy! You keep letting this guy treat you like this, use your stuff, and all the while you CARE what he says!

I really wish I hadn't given him my cigarettes.

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