Busy, you make a very good point. And knowing katie, it's very possible.
And with the timing of all of this latest mess...........it probably compounded it. Because we really let her have it over it. Especially the girls did. But it's hard not to come down on someone in a huge way when you've been telling them something for 3 yrs and they refuse to accept it or do anything about it. Heck, I hated the timing of it as it was right after husband died. We were all emotionally on a tight wire to begin with. Well, actually it had started before his heart attack, it just sort of got steadily worse from there.
I'm trying to get her to talk to me. I'm not having much luck. I am NOT apologizing, because please she should've done something years ago about perv man, but I did explain a bit.......especially about why her sisters were so hard on her over it. I can't even get her to answer the phone, which she rarely does to begin with.
I may get ticked off enough to go pound on her door. lol If I can't talk to her, it makes inviting her to thanksgiving a tad difficult.
Nichole's bff is moving into the 3 bedrms which puts her right where she can keep an eye on both katie and the kids. I'm so happy about this I could just jump up and down. And no, I don't think she's moved............I am hoping if on the extremely slim chance she forced M to move........she got a job or something. (doubt it but a mom can dream) She can't afford anywhere else, this place has utilities paid.
I'm wondering if we're getting no response at all because perhaps a cps investigation is underway. (now that would just make my year, and c'mon God.....I could use something to counter all the horrible crud)
Unfortunately (I did NOT know this) when Nichole blasted her she told her that she was a horrid parent and cps needed to come get her kids, that if she had the money or some such she'd take her to court and fight her for custody. And a whole lot of other true but pretty heavy things. Like a LOT of the abuse and neglect she witness when she was a kid both at our house and when she spent the night at katie's. postpartum hormones can be ruthless.
For the grands sake, I'll keep trying. Think I'll also pick up a card today and mail her a friggin invitation. muahhhaaahhhaaa