Well-Known Member
difficult child's attitude keeps getting worse quickly. I think it is mostly stress and anxiety, but it is getting old fast. 
He did meet his second therapist option at Monday and liked him little better than first one. But when first one was "too mushy and not too bright", the second option is "not quite as dumb but total a**hole." Sounds promising doesn't it?
Anyway, he does think he can work with the second one and therapist also thinks it will work out. And when it came up that there is in fact third option, difficult child wasn't interested to even meet her, but will start working with the 'a**hole' one. Isn't it just lovely how much he has respect for trained professionals with whom he should work with? Oh all-knowing teenage arrogance! :2dissapointed: Good thing is, that he is likely making a right choice and for the right reasons even if his attitude sucks. He has some history on manipulating and playing games with counsellors who appear very emphatic. He does seem to do better with more hard-nosed, no nonsense kind of counsellors, who don't let him get away with any games. So I guess that going to that direction shows he is serious with this therapy. I certainly hope so, if other funding options will not come through, we will end up paying around 30 000 dollars over two years on this. He better really be serious about it!
Unfortunately tdocs are not only 'dumb'people in his life right now. He complained how stupid one of his team mates is and how difficult child has to do this and that to keep the peace. He of course didn't tell the whole story. Not even his version about it, but considering this 'stupid' team-mate happens to be the one from the younger ones who has really tried to be nice to difficult child and keep him engaged with the group and has made sure difficult child is not totally ostracized, my best guess is, that difficult child has done or said something to make this other kid mad, is ashamed of it himself (if not, he would had told exactly what it was, that is totally this other kid's fault) and even himself knows he is totally in fault here. Good news in this is, that he is trying to make it up and it seems based on social media that the other kid is not totally p***ed off with difficult child.
And let's not forget how stupid his coaches are being. Nothing good in them just now, except maybe a little. That I guess means the zero tolerance for lying, fibbing, bad attitude etc. is really taking a toll. However last I heard from his positional coach was, that difficult child is some trouble adjusting but is trying and mostly doing well and difficult child has also played well in pre-season games, so I do guess, it is not anything too serious. Maybe just venting to me because showing any bad attitude to the coach would be biting his butt hard right now.
His coach was little worried about difficult child's school finals causing too much stress though and even asked if I would feel badly if difficult child would postpone some of them to spring and graduate then and not at fall. I in fact used to want him to graduate at spring, but right now I'm just ready for him to get it over with, because I think stress over finals have a lot to do with his bad mood. And I'm not sure that taking more time to do his finals would even lower his stress much, just make it last longer. But this may be something we need to talk with difficult child after his practise finals results come back. If there is a lot of work to be done in some exam (I'm not too sure about his Spanish, but he could also just drop that exam, he has three more than he actually needs anyway), it could be better to postpone. Other than that, I don't really see the benefit. He is likely to do very well anyway and I think he is stressing more because of his perfectionism rising than because there would be any meaningful difference in results with some intense study time. We are talking about a kid who will likely score around 99 percentile anyway. I don't really see any meaningful reason why he should do any better. Yeah, his plan B to become pathologist is ambitious and he needs good results from finals, but his likely results will put him the top 10 % of applicants to medical school before entrance exam anyway. And the entrance exam is more important than these finals and it couldn't be better suited for him even if he could plan it himself. And let's not forget that his main goal is in his sport right now, medication school is an after career plan and can change many times before that.
Of course it is also new season coming and difficult child needs to proof himself again and show he is not suffering from any sophomore slump. He did surprised everyone last year, now the expectations are much higher and he still has to earn every bit of playing time he wants to have. The team has a new guy in his position to compete with and he has also been doing well. Last year the competitive situation between difficult child and other guys went really bad and they very much hope this year it could be more friendly competition. The blame of it getting so bad last year was mostly placed on difficult child's shoulders, but that probably wasn't the whole truth. But hopefully it won't get that sour this time. It only hurts everyone.
But yeah, my rather delightful and maturing son from summer has been replaced by obnoxious jerk who is living in the land full of stupid people. How awesome is that!

He did meet his second therapist option at Monday and liked him little better than first one. But when first one was "too mushy and not too bright", the second option is "not quite as dumb but total a**hole." Sounds promising doesn't it?

Unfortunately tdocs are not only 'dumb'people in his life right now. He complained how stupid one of his team mates is and how difficult child has to do this and that to keep the peace. He of course didn't tell the whole story. Not even his version about it, but considering this 'stupid' team-mate happens to be the one from the younger ones who has really tried to be nice to difficult child and keep him engaged with the group and has made sure difficult child is not totally ostracized, my best guess is, that difficult child has done or said something to make this other kid mad, is ashamed of it himself (if not, he would had told exactly what it was, that is totally this other kid's fault) and even himself knows he is totally in fault here. Good news in this is, that he is trying to make it up and it seems based on social media that the other kid is not totally p***ed off with difficult child.
And let's not forget how stupid his coaches are being. Nothing good in them just now, except maybe a little. That I guess means the zero tolerance for lying, fibbing, bad attitude etc. is really taking a toll. However last I heard from his positional coach was, that difficult child is some trouble adjusting but is trying and mostly doing well and difficult child has also played well in pre-season games, so I do guess, it is not anything too serious. Maybe just venting to me because showing any bad attitude to the coach would be biting his butt hard right now.
His coach was little worried about difficult child's school finals causing too much stress though and even asked if I would feel badly if difficult child would postpone some of them to spring and graduate then and not at fall. I in fact used to want him to graduate at spring, but right now I'm just ready for him to get it over with, because I think stress over finals have a lot to do with his bad mood. And I'm not sure that taking more time to do his finals would even lower his stress much, just make it last longer. But this may be something we need to talk with difficult child after his practise finals results come back. If there is a lot of work to be done in some exam (I'm not too sure about his Spanish, but he could also just drop that exam, he has three more than he actually needs anyway), it could be better to postpone. Other than that, I don't really see the benefit. He is likely to do very well anyway and I think he is stressing more because of his perfectionism rising than because there would be any meaningful difference in results with some intense study time. We are talking about a kid who will likely score around 99 percentile anyway. I don't really see any meaningful reason why he should do any better. Yeah, his plan B to become pathologist is ambitious and he needs good results from finals, but his likely results will put him the top 10 % of applicants to medical school before entrance exam anyway. And the entrance exam is more important than these finals and it couldn't be better suited for him even if he could plan it himself. And let's not forget that his main goal is in his sport right now, medication school is an after career plan and can change many times before that.
Of course it is also new season coming and difficult child needs to proof himself again and show he is not suffering from any sophomore slump. He did surprised everyone last year, now the expectations are much higher and he still has to earn every bit of playing time he wants to have. The team has a new guy in his position to compete with and he has also been doing well. Last year the competitive situation between difficult child and other guys went really bad and they very much hope this year it could be more friendly competition. The blame of it getting so bad last year was mostly placed on difficult child's shoulders, but that probably wasn't the whole truth. But hopefully it won't get that sour this time. It only hurts everyone.
But yeah, my rather delightful and maturing son from summer has been replaced by obnoxious jerk who is living in the land full of stupid people. How awesome is that!