Shari, withoout looking this up to confirm, I think there were 7 initial charges and 4 were lying to cops (my words). But at least the first 2 which pertained to first degree murder and child abuse or manslaughter, had lesser charges as options. Things like "not dsiposing of a body legally" (or whatever it's called) were not included but child abuse, manslaughter, with definitions about caring for a child and the child dieing in your care while not excersizing due diligence, (my words again) were included. Think of it this this way, if Wee were your grandchild instead of your child and your difficult child child left with him and he doesn't return, they find him dead like this, your difficult child is lying to you (which you find to be no surprise), what in the world could have happened? So if the evidence wasn't enough to prove either premeditated murder or a death of a child in the progress of child abuse, there were lesser charges- all were found not guilty except that she lied to police. Ok then, WTH is she still lying about if someone else caused this death?