Well-Known Member
GuideMe & TearyEyed -- Were you at our house during all those years of getting out of bed battles?
We lived same. Gentle (massaging back, soft alarm, music), hard (clanging pans, dumping water), etc. Nothing worked. Expelled from every school, didn't finish 10th grade. Used to blame myself. But, having tried everything (and we enlisted professional help for ideas), I concluded that most likely nothing would work. And I finally let it go. Letting go did not come easily nor quickly. But it did come blissfully. I "feel" you both and you are supported!
Pasajas4 -- When their Drama Tornado revs up, the only answer left is to disconnect. Sounds like you did a great job of disconnecting. Hard to do, but shows a strong sense of self. Way to stand strong in your own identity!
Pasajas4 -- When their Drama Tornado revs up, the only answer left is to disconnect. Sounds like you did a great job of disconnecting. Hard to do, but shows a strong sense of self. Way to stand strong in your own identity!