((hugs)) KSM. My difficult child's are both wonderful children with many good traits. It's just that the bad can be so extreme, that sometimes the good gets overshadowed. Honestly, I see how hard my difficult child 1 struggles with-all of her emotions and feelings and I feel heartbroken thinking how stressed out she must often feel. It makes me so sad. I know she wants to be good and do the right thing, it's like it's out of her control when things go south.
It has just been a difficult few months. This is what I have dealt with in just the past few days.
1. tonight... watching a touching movie that was Christian based, and she kept making snide remarks when a little girl prayed for an injured friend.
2. took her 4 hours after she got home to get ready to go to the mall. THen when she was finally ready, was impatient when it took me 5 minutes to go to the restroom and then get my keys.
3. dressed in a low cut tank top with half her bra showing and her shorts (which were very short to begin with was split up 3 inches up the side. (And I don't buy this stuff for her... she does her own alterations with scissors)
4. yelled when I reminded her about finishing her assignment for school tomorrow
5. has been putting the nose stud back in when at school and sleeping... she pierced her nose with a needle a few weeks ago...after we said to wait til she is 18.
6. spent over $100 in birthday money for candy, monster drinks, sexy underwear, and more candy.
7. Has lost every electronic she ever had... over $500 worth
8. Is failing 3 out of 5 classes at school this trimester
9. Has been skipping and being tardy to algebra... and if she gets one more, will be dropped from the class and have ISS the rest of the year.
10. Actually says things like: "I don't know why you think high school is so important" and "teens just need to have fun".
11. And: I don't care if my friends drink or do drugs, they are still my friends. (and then wonders why I don't het her sleep over at their homes!)
12. And: I want to get back with my old boyfriend... I don't care if he is going downhill, I'd go downhill with him if I could!
13. She is embarassed to be seen with us... just wants us to take her places and give money. (right now, I am embarassed to be seen with her!)
I guess my positives are... she isn't pregnant. She is kind to animals. But she won't feed them, give fresh water, or clean the litter box.
I hope to God that I can get back some type of positive relationship... It has just been a tough year and I feel like I am failing miserably. Sometimes I feel like I have been ran over by a truck! Like, how could this happen... we had a great relationship when it was grandma/granddaughter... but now, I am just an authority figure that she can't stand. KSM