I read the first two posts in this thread and had to stop because they *both* are such good points - no ownership and failure to learn from mistakes. I suspect if I read all the posts, I'd have *21* definiting characteristics of gfgdom, LOL.
Tough question (on no coffee)... I think it's changed as thank you's gotten older. At 6-9, it was the sense of entitlement. "I'm allowed to hit/kick/bite/spit when I feel like it because I am *me*". Ditto destruction, disruption. Complete inability to even begin to grasp that it was inappropriate behavior. It was all justified in his mind and therefore no change was needed.
Now? Well... we're hitting a very rough patch with old thank you and this morning probably isn't a good time for me to define him because my first impulse is to say sheer stupidity. I think from a more objective standpoint, it's a continued failure to grasp consequences of his choices, to see how his choices affect himself and others, and the expectation that the adults in his life will clean up his messes or protect him from his choices. It's in my humble opinion a debilitating, disabling thought process.