You sure have a wonderful, generous and loving heart! It can be so difficult to deal with a difficult child and doing iit not just as her Gma but also with-o a partner to help you is a testament to how much you love her. I am NOT blowing sunshine up your skirt with this.
One thing I vehemently believe in is the instinct of the parent. I am using parent to describe you here, so don't think that this isn't about/for you because you are her gma. Reality is that you function as her parent and so I will lump you with the rest of us. On this journey you will be bombarded with stories of how other people 'fixed' their kids, etc... and with directions from doctors that range from the wonderfully helpful to the "afraid to let you care for my pet worm much less a human" to the bizarre/idiotic.
All of these people have very strong opinions about what you should do to help difficult child. Most don't have a clue to go with that opinion. Even the docs and therapists and teachers and 'professionals' have their ideas. They all have 'credentials', the badges. stethoscopes and offices with toys etc... They are 'experts' and what are YOU? Some of these 'experts' will get very upset if you want a second opinion or you don't agree with them. As you talk to these people, remember that they have spent minutes with difficult child. even her teachers don't spend the time with her that you do.
They are "experts" in a field of study. YOU are the expert on/about your difficult child. Period. You have spent years loving and caring for this incredibly disturbed girl. You KNOW her. Listen to that Mommy Gut Instinct and follow it. I know that the biggest mistakes I EVER made with my oldest child were made because I trusted a doctor's or teacher's plan more than my own instincts.
We have suggested that you do things that you are not ready for/don't feel is the right thing at this point in time. This is okay. You are NOT required to take our advice/suggestions. We understand that we are not seeing the situation in real life and we are not living it exactly as you are. So there will be times when our advice is wrong. No matter what, we will support you and what you think is best for your daughter. The phrase "take what you like, lose the rest is totally appropriate for this online family that you have joined here at the CD Board. (((((hugs)))))