New Member
I am brand new on here. My daughter is 42 years old. It seems like every time I am with her, her 16-year-old son starts trouble. He seems to like it when we argue, because then he has her all to himself. When she was on drugs, she would rage and I was called every name in the book. She has been off of meth for four years and tells everyone she's clean, but she is using vodka quite often, probably more than I think. Almost 2 weeks ago, we went to the show together. I asked her son do not pick us the seats up front. By the time I hobbled in, she and her son were sitting in the front row. She told me and my granddaughter we could sit somewhere else if we didn't like it. I replied that I only came to the show to be with them as a family. They finally moved if you were both up, but she was angry and said she was done with me. She started screaming at me in the theater. Fortunately, no one else was there yet. She said there raging and then threw her nachos across three rows of seats, getting cheese everywhere. A cleanup crew had to come out and my granddaughter took the blame, by saying she had tripped. After a while,she had calmed down and after the show, I took them all to dinner, as I had promised. I apologized, as always. She acted like everything was fine. Well, that was ten days ago and she hasn't texted me or bothered to see if I'm alive or not. I live alone and fall often. She has done this before and I always have to be the one crawling back to her, because obviously she would rather be without me in her life. She has always been so special to me. I don't know if the meth changed her brain or if she is just staying loot from vodka. I hate to think that she really hates me. I feel like my heart is broken. I have always been there for her and even sold my home in another state to come here so that she would have a place to go when she left her abusive husband. She and her son lived with me, rent free, for a year and a half. I bought everything for them and put $1400 on a credit card to get her an attorney, for her divorce. Nothing I have ever done is good enough for her if she never seems to appreciate it. last night, I went to an al-Anon meeting and heard similar stories to mine. No, I have not texted her or called her. For once, I didn't want to be the one begging for a relationship. It is hard to have your own life when you are almost 70 years old and your family is limited. I'm way past the dating scene and I am pretty reclusive, due to PTSD. She knows this. She knows she's hurting me and she doesn't seem to give a rip. I'm not sure what's going to happen in the future, but I am tired of being her doormat and letting her son manipulate her and acting like an eight-year-old. Thanks for letting me share.