"You are not my boss and you can't tell me what to do"


Well-Known Member
But if CB's daughter gets to 18... then CB can no longer force her to go to school. Right? And if she's not actually going to school, then CB does NOT have to provide for her or keep her at home? Or am I missing something?


Well-Known Member
In Texas they can drop out at 18. If they are enrolled in school you must provide housing, food, and medical care but not necessarily under your roof. You are also not responsible for their attendance.


Active Member
But if CB's daughter gets to 18... then CB can no longer force her to go to school. Right?

Right. It's up to the daughter, she (her daughter) and she alone is the only one who can make that the decision and the parents have to abide to what that decision is. If she doesn't take school seriously and misses a lot of days but still does the bare minimum to be allowed to still be enrolled, than she is still considered to be in school. Also, by the time her daughter is 18 years old, I believe the state can still force them to go to school until graduate or 19 years old.


Active Member
In Texas they can drop out at 18. If they are enrolled in school you must provide housing, food, and medical care but not necessarily under your roof. You are also not responsible for their attendance.

Exactly. All right. Which means they can take you to court for child support paid directly to them. It happens in my town all the time.


Active Member
My good friend lost custody of her teenage daughter because of daughter missing school. They charged her with education neglect. Another friend of mine in another state has had to pay up to the thousands of dollars in fines for her children (teens) missing school or being late. They also took her welfare away.


Well-Known Member
No. They do not go after the parent for child support. The child can go live with their friends if they want to The thing here is at 18 if they want to go to school to graduate they can, but they don't have to.


Active Member
No. They do not go after the parent for child support. The child can go live with their friends if they want to The thing here is at 18 if they want to go to school to graduate they can, but they don't have to.

In my state they can and have!


Active Member
One more reason on my long list why I am glad I don't live in California ;)

You would think it being a liberal state and everything, they wouldn't be so strict. However, they are the most strict of them all. I still haven't figured out why though. Texas and my state are the runner ups for being the most strict.


Well-Known Member
I wonder how strict they are here. But that's one problem I didn't have. 37 did not like to go to school and stayed home as much as he could, but not enough to get anyone in trouble. So we never met the truancy officers. It was a close call. He really hated going to school although he was and is quite intelligent. I was spared that...lol.


Active Member
I wonder how strict they are here. But that's one problem I didn't have. 37 did not like to go to school and stayed home as much as he could without getting into trouble. So we never met the truancy officers. I was spared that...lol.

Most of us were. Like I said, up until 5-10 year ago, it was very rare to hear of any of this.


Well-Known Member
Maybe that's it, GM. My son is 37 so this was a long time ago. His principal knew he hated to go to school and had his number that he wasn't sick as often as he said he was. He tried to bribe him to stay in school by promising him he wouldn't force him to take gym in his senior year, which was a HUGE bribe to 37, who loathed gym above everything else. Instead of calling the police, the principal talked to HIM. Why do I feel this was more effective? 37 was definitely a difficult child, yet it worked and he did graduate with an above average GPA, although he didn't try very hard. I think he may have dropped out if they'd tried to force it. This new idea of blaming the parents...I don't care for it, GM. It's nonsense. Nobody can force a grown child, who may be way taller and heavier and stronger than you are, to go ANYWHERE they don't want to go.


Active Member
Nobody can force a grown child, who may be way taller and heavier and stronger than you are, to go ANYWHERE they don't want to go.

You're preaching to the choir girlfriend! Who do you think suffered through all of this? ME. Who do you think said all the same things you did and more?? ME. Who is the one who tried to find any god forsaken loophole to get out of that whole mess?? You guessed it....ME! As I said upteen times already, that whole ordeal GAVE ME HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE!


Active Member
Here is an old post that I wrote in case that you forgot ! lol. I touched on the issue about truancy just a bit. This is why the issue gets me going! http://www.conductdisorders.com/com...h-school-when-she-was-16.58479/#axzz3ON9guEEd


Active Member
I just want to make clear that in that old thread i posted, truancy had nothing to do with her behavioral write ups. Truancy was about her missing school and being late to either school or class which just added into the behavioral issues. Oy Vey. So glad that's over!


Well-Known Member
I don't blame you for the online school. I would have homeschooled, which is easy to do in Wisconsin (not so easy in California). They pretty much don't check up on you at all in Wisconsin. It looked like they do in California when I went to check on "other options in California." I think the "liberal" state and the education thing makes sense. The conservatives states want less government intrusion, which I usually don't like, but in the case of homeschooling I do like it. In CA, they are pro-government so they feel that it's ok if the govt. checks up on your home schooling and your credentials for doing it.

California seems like an odd duck, sitting here from the "sane????" and "stable????" (;) ) Midwest.


Active Member
They pretty much don't check up on you at all in Wisconsin.

Yeah, in all my research at the time, nothing really pops up in my memory about the mid-west laws regarding education. So I couldn't tell ya. Maybe the mid-west gets to dodge things like this lol

The conservatives states want less government intrusion, which I usually don't like, but in the case of homeschooling I do like it. In CA, they are pro-government so they feel that it's ok if the govt. checks up on your home schooling and your credentials for doing it.

Right, I know that.... but I was talking more about the punishments they are delivering which are pretty severe and most of the cases on truancy are against people who are in poverty or at a disadvantage...of which of whom, liberals are known for suppose to be protecting. Their interests on this matter are very conflicting.

I do know Obama was pressing for the law to pass to make the national drop out age 18. I don't know where that stands now or where in the process that is.


Well-Known Member
GM, I have to agree with you on that. It hurts the poor people the most. But, hey, when did politics make any sense?

(sigh) I'm glad it's behind you. And I'm hoping CG doesn't have to go through that.


Active Member
(sigh) I'm glad it's behind you

It's behind me, but it definitely left a lot of scars and anger. It also gave me a perm serious medical condition. One day, if I ever get a chance to protest this , I will. Being as though the education laws have only gotten this tough in the last five years, the general population has no idea about how strict the laws have got. Give it about five or ten more years...parents of young children have no idea what they are in for. Did you know you are consider truant if you miss five days in school in a semester? Did you know that you are considered truant if you have 3 tardies? Not only have the drop out laws have gotten strict, but so has everything else regarding school, anything and everything. The government is all up in your bizz and they are using the school system to do it. Anyway, my vent is over. Sorry CB. This brought up some bad memories for me.