Active Member
Columbine and Curious George. Hmm. Sounds like The Twilight Zone ...

Columbine and Curious George. Hmm. Sounds like The Twilight Zone ...
yes, he sounds aspie to me still, of course I have never met him...but this is the very kind of kid who does blur the lines.... why it is so hard do pull out levels of autism. I know tons of aspies that do the spinning/parts of objects stuff. the rest seems right in there.... the repeating and talking endlessly about their topic of interest. At least for those Aspies I have known and cared about. some, you barely know there is an Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) issue at all. Q does things that seem very Aspie like, but he has things that place him smack dab in Autism.... especially the language delay, cognitive issues, etc. In the end, I guess once on the spectrum, at least then you can get Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) intervention.
If I can just figure out how to get Jett's obsession with wargames pointed at a career, we're home free!