You know you have a child with Asperger's when ...

yes, he sounds aspie to me still, of course I have never met him...but this is the very kind of kid who does blur the lines.... why it is so hard do pull out levels of autism. I know tons of aspies that do the spinning/parts of objects stuff. the rest seems right in there.... the repeating and talking endlessly about their topic of interest. At least for those Aspies I have known and cared about. some, you barely know there is an Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) issue at all. Q does things that seem very Aspie like, but he has things that place him smack dab in Autism.... especially the language delay, cognitive issues, etc. In the end, I guess once on the spectrum, at least then you can get Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) intervention.


Now that difficult child 1 is a young adult (unlike his brother, difficult child 2) in most situations you would never guess he is an Aspie. It's fortunate that his topic of interest is computers. When we were going through the worst of times with him, a very wise therapist told us to encourage his obsession with computers because it is his love of computers that will get him through life. He was right on target. difficult child 1 took as many computer courses as possible in high school, spent as much time as possible with the techs hired by the school system to keep all of the computers running, and majored in web design in junior college. He and a friend started a web design company last year. They still don't have enough business to quit their other jobs but difficult child 1 also repairs computers and has a part time job working the graveyard shift on weekends. When he isn't designing websites, repairing computers, or at his part time job, he's busy gaming. He goes to every single computer related event possible. I don't think he'll ever be able to work for someone else. He is too opinionated, things always have to be done his way, because, after all, his way IS the right way, and he'll tell you this to your face. It doesn't matter whether your his boss or not. difficult child 1 comes across more like a "techie", a "geek." Lucky for him, he was born at a time when this is now socially acceptable. He is very likeable and charming when he wants to be. Just don't get on his bad side... Ok, enough rambling about difficult child 1!! I didn't mean to steal this thead, lol...

To get back on topic, I totally agree with you - The diagnosis doesn't really matter as long as the child is on the spectrum and receiving appropriate services.


Well-Known Member
Ohh, a computer geek. He IS lucky.
I'm sure you've read how high the rate of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is in Silicon Valley (and their kids), right? That comes as no surprise to me at all.


New Member
SFR, that is soooo cool. I watched a documentry on HBO I think a long time ago that talked about companies that are designed to hire people with Asperger's. It is really cool...I think in Denmark. They have them work on robotics etc. They said they are so single focused, dont socialize, etc. Perfect employees that way. They like that they are strong willed and have big opinions. I wish I remembered the name of the documentary. YOur son might like it, just to see there are other folks out there who think and work hard and he can do it too. Maybe he needs to start a business like that, he would have to be flexible enough to tolerate other people's opinion, but being the boss, his would the top opinion! Even if it was a consulting or contracting firm, he could dispatch other Aspies out.....
Terry, I'm sure if difficult child 1 had enough money after finishing school, he would have considered moving there.

Buddy, I'll have to do some research and see if I can find that documentary - Would love to see it! It sounds sort of familiar, like I might have heard it mentioned before? Too many things going on in my life and one of the first things to go when I'm on "overload" is my memory, lol...


Shooting from the Hip
If I can just figure out how to get Jett's obsession with wargames pointed at a career, we're home free!


New Member
I dont have hbo, had it when I got it free with a bundle, but now I cut it of course. But I should be able to look for it. At the same time there was one about the non-verbal kids who were being taught to use communication boards /spelling... etc. Everyone says the adults prompt it, but they get rid of the manual prompts quickly and it is amazing... I have never said a child was "low functioning" because he can't communicate, and these kids prove why. I will look and if I find them I will pass it on.
If I can just figure out how to get Jett's obsession with wargames pointed at a career, we're home free!

Step, Is he good with computers too? There are lots of jobs out there for people who design games and also for game "testers." difficult child 1 had thought about being a game "tester" once. I don't know much about it but maybe you could use google to do a bit of research.

Thanks. I saw a segment about kids who are non-verbal using communication boards too. It's amazing!! I agree with you that just because they can't communicate in traditional ways, doesn't mean they're low functioning.


Shooting from the Hip
SFR... Not particularly. He can type... About 15 wpm. Two fingers - both index. He's been around them all his life. BUT - give him a easy child-based game and away he goes! Playing. He doesn't like to do anything else. Says he can't figure out how to Google... Erm. Not sure I believe that one.

He has keyboarding next quarter, I think...


Well-Known Member
An extra xmas present for Jett...

Get him a program called SCRATCH.
Its from something like MIT.
What it is, is a programming language for kids.

and... its free.

See if you can tickle his fancy.


Shooting from the Hip

Free is good.

Language is good. ANY language. I'd be happy if he spoke Klingon right now.

I'm Googling it right now!


Guess what the only A manster got was: Technology Ed! Hoping for another computer geek here!

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