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  1. Sunshineaftertherain

    Antisosial personality disorder

    Hi every one How do you navigate your relationship with some one with ASPD...especially regarding boundaries ( in our country we are responsible for maintenance) do you cope with low motivation, addiction, not being sucked in by their proses.... Has any of your kids been diagnosed with...
  2. Sunshineaftertherain

    Cutting ties🤷‍♀️

    Good evening....I have a very difficult and personal question....our son is 17, almost 18. Because of terrible abusive behaviour he has been staying on his own for almost 9 months. My question is, what do we do as parents if our child chooses a life that contradicts our believes and values...we...
  3. Sunshineaftertherain

    Advice needed🙏

    Hi all...we seriously need advise! Our 17 yr old son stays in his own flat because we couldnt live with his behaviour anymore....he came to visit at our home yesterday...he had a nice time alone, while me and hubby and little brother went out with granddad. At the end of the day he Uber to his...
  4. Sunshineaftertherain

    Can we stop the train crash?

    Hi, my son , 17 yrs old, has been diagnosed with Aspergers (Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)), ADD, possible conduct, possible bipolar and lately starting to bloom into possible ASPD😯 Because of severe emotional abuse towards us, we got him his own flat, where he is currently staying. He is still attending school, we pay...
  5. Sunshineaftertherain

    Did we make the right decision🙈

    I can identify with so many regarding our kids who cause choas in our families. My son is 16, turning 17 this weekend. He has Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), high IQ, with some comorbidities, ADD, possible BiPolar (BP), possible PD traids, not sure of conduct. Our family was kept hostage by his outbursts, not just meltdowns...
  6. Sunshineaftertherain


    :(I feel very sad and confused. Has any of you been put in a situation where you had to deal with realizing that you have to choose between your kids because of their emotional wellbeing? My oldest son, 16, is diagnosed with PDA, anxiety, ADD, possible bipolar and lately some personality stuff...
  7. Sunshineaftertherain

    Teen soiling

    Hi all. We are beyond frustration with our sons situation. He is 16, diagnosed with PDA and ADD. He soils his pants everyday. We have tried plenty of specialists, psychiatrists, one can help us. We tried punishment, rewards, ignoring...nothing seems to help. He needs to clean...
  8. Sunshineaftertherain

    Feeling non- mommylike today

    Sorry to share this with you, but dont know where else I can talk about these things, to people who wont judge and who might understand.... My son is 16, he has possible Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) / bipolar/ PDA / oppositional behaviour / adhd. He is on medications, seing psychologist and psychiatrist. He has low motivation...
  9. Sunshineaftertherain

    Teenage meltdowns, homework and gaming

    Hi all...sorry I havent been active for a long while...was just crazy in my life!!! So my son is now turning 16! Currently his diagnosis is: Asoergers ( psychologist feels strongly about this, psychiatrist says he has some simptoms), ADD, possible Bipolar. I am really wery owerwhelmed by his...
  10. Sunshineaftertherain

    Aspergers or borderline PD

    Hi son is 15 He has been in therapy for 12 years! His previous psychiatrist has diagnosed him with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), mild, when he was very young. His current psychiatrist, who has been seing him fior 4 years first diagnosed adhd, she was never confinced about Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).,,,she also thought about social...
  11. Sunshineaftertherain card....consequences?

    Hi we didnt want to give our son more money to buy Vbucks for one of his games. We received email to say there is strange transactions going on on our account... Son says yes he created a gmail account and used our creditcard number to buy Vbucks... So he stole and lied to and from us...
  12. Sunshineaftertherain

    ADHD...throwing Bipolar in the mix

    Hi all..... My son is almost 13 yrs old. He has previously been diagnosed with slight Aspergers. We moved to new province, new psychiatrist feels its more ADHD, the spychologist is sure its Aspergers! Both think its not ODD and also not personality dysorder He started throwing terrible...