
  1. J

    She's improving...could it be weening off abilify or it working??

    Hi to everyone, i have a question. I've noticed a marked difference in my daughter this week. Mornings have still been struggle, yet once i detach her from couch she goes and has been less weeping as week has been progressing. another difference she made a friend nad has been on swing...
  2. Chaosuncontained

    Abilify side effects in 8 year old

    My son turns 9 next month. The 18th he was diagnosis with a mood disorder (diagnosis with ADHD when he was 4). He was put on Abilify, took 2.5 mg the 1st day, 5 mg today. School called because he was falling asleep in class--they let him have a 20 minute nap in the nurses office. He is also complaining his...
  3. Chaosuncontained

    How soon will I see results from Abilify?

    My son was diagnosis as ADHD at age 4, he is now 8. We've been on all ADHD medications. Four weeks ago he was on Strattera-20 mg in the AM and Adderall 10 mg in the AM and 5 mg midday. We changed that recently to Strattera 20 mg AM and Ritalin 10 mg in the AM, 5 mid morning and 5 in the afternoon. The Ritalin...
  4. T

    Lithium, Abilify, Geodon, Lamictal??? Thoughts please.

    Hi all, I've posted a bit in the past month about difficult child's latest mood cyclying...In the past 6 weeks, he has had two hypomanic periods and a lot of depression, with maybe two good days. We have switched from Trileptal to Depakote ER. Thus far, Depakote isn't working out so well. difficult child has been...
  5. Hanging-On

    Abilify, created angelic, attention focused twin??

    The babysitter just called me and asked, "does difficult child have a nice twin"? Yesterday and today he has been a totally different kid. Yesterday he NEVER cussed, NEVER lost it and NEVER went into meltdown. HE was sweet and nice to her ALL DAY, HELPED a little boy who was having a tantrum in the...
  6. C

    10 yr old son started abilify & stratera

    Hi everyone, First time on a forum like this. My son started with anxiety & depression in 4th grade, he is now in 5th. He has generalized anxiety but also seperation anxiety being away from me. He doesn't like himself and struggles socially. He is now taking 5mg of Abilify and 10mg of...
  7. TerryJ2

    Starting our first night of Abilify--fingers crossed!

    Okay, here we go, 1/2 of a 5 mg tablet every night for 3 wks, then we see the psychiatrist again. We had a GREAT appointment! I dropped off a hand-written a note a few wks ago, describing how difficult child is always tense, agitated and soooo negative, and in general, unhappy, deliberately isolating himself and...
  8. totoro

    Stop Abilify, start Geodon... my poor K!!!

    Well K was doing pretty good last week, her first week on Neurontin. She was slightly Labile, tired a bit... then this week she was a bit more labile, tired. She was nodding off in class, awake at night. Not manic or hypo-manic. She was racing a bit... sleeping in, in the morning. Her TD or...
  9. R

    from Risperdone to Abilify for my 6 year old.

    Hello, I have a very irritable, fluctuating moody impulsive little girl. doctor had her on very low dose of liquid risperdone and it works great. I noticed an insatiable appetite and weight gain. doctor said stop for just 24 hours with risperdone and switch to abilify. Since I did not notice any...
  10. Merfille

    How quickly can you see Abilify working?

    Good morning, everyone. My understanding is that Abilify works pretty quickly clinically (sounds like a tongue twister). I figured that meant within a couple of weeks. What can that mean or what have your experiences been? Our daughter is on day 5, got 10 straight hours of sleep last night...
  11. TerryJ2

    More free samples of Abilify for the next 3 wks ... can't tell if there's improvement

    but at least difficult child isn't getting sick from it. That's the first step. The psychiatrist spent a fair amt of time with-us today, asking about difficult child's behavior, appetite, etc. I will be keeping a journal with-specific times, dates and incidents. I do see difficult child's appetite increasing, but he's fairly thin so he'll be...
  12. B

    What psychiatric medications have caused bad weight gain for your child?

    For us it was Risperdal, Zyprexa, Depakote, Lithium, Remeron, Trazadene and Paxil/Paroxatene
  13. Ellenm0m

    diagnosis changed from ADHD to Asperger's - FRUSTRATED!

    My son was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 6 and we have been "trying" new prescriptions on him since...last November he suddenly turned very violent and angry. Finally coming to a head when he tried to set his bedroom on fire after getting in a fight at school and being brought home by the...
  14. J

    high functioning moments?

    hi to all, I just had to ask a question. I was just wondering does anyone else have a child with whom exhibits average functioning behaviors at certain time frames during day/week? I think that's why this is all so confusing for me. Only 6 mos. ago my little girl was outside riding her bike...
  15. totoro

    Kind of sad about School

    We are finishing up our awesome IEP report!!! But since we have been having lengthy discussions with Ms. J (K's teacher) she has unfortunately seen K start to fall apart. School is going on 4 weeks now. I think the School thought at first that we were asking for a lot. Because K presents so...
  16. jcox

    Tenex and weight gain~when to d/c medication cause of weight gain?

    E had his Tenex increased in September. He has gained 6 lbs this past month, which I believe is more than a coincidence. This saddens me because he had previously gained 65 lbs on Risperdal going from 35 lbs at age 4 to 99 lbs at age 6. Then when he went to the psychiatric hospital they changed his medications around...
  17. R

    Any thoughts on Lamictal or Geodone for my defiant 6 year old?

    We are having such trougble with my daughter not behaving and she is impossible to deal with. Abilify has not worked at all. In fact it made her start being violent with classmates and I finally got it out of her system and the violence stopped. She is just totally moodly, irritable and...
  18. F

    New Here - 6yo with Dual Personalities

    Hi, I was actually here briefly 2 years ago when my difficult child, Tuna, was diagnosis with ODD. Weeeeee're baaaack! )-: Now it's a diagnosis of Anxiety Disorder not otherwise specified & mood disorder. She started on Abilify 2mg & Remeron 15mg and we had a different kid overnight. It was great, we thought all our problems were...
  19. G

    baffled and perplexed

    The psychiatrist from hospital calls today to tell us Depakote
  20. K

    Can the new medication cause this?

    Ok, difficult child went off Abilify about 6 weeks ago. Two weeks ago he told me how angry he has been feeling and was willing to try a new antidepressant or something if it did not cause weight gain. husband took him in and came home with Geodan...only it is spelled with on. He started taking it on Friday...