
  1. L

    So lost dealing with a depressed 13 year old...long lonely road..

    This is taking a horrible toll on our family, but worst toll is on our 13 year old, I just need someone to chat with who is going thru this... It all started Xmas 2010, so we have been BATTLING this for 15 months, no end in sight...they won't say bipolar yet, but reading about the different...
  2. JJJ

    Need medication suggestion

    I need some medication suggestions that treat depression and anxiety in a teen girl who suffers from hallucinations. diagnosis: schitzoaffective, PTSD, attachment disorder, borderline mentally retarded, emerging personality disorder current medications: Vyvanse, Abilify, Thorazine I know you are not doctors, I am...
  3. crazymama30

    concerned about difficult child

    I talked to difficult child on the phone tonight. He actually was more talkative than he has been before, so that was good. He cleared his throat non stop. I asked him if he was getting a cold, and he said no he was homesick. So maybe he was trying not to cry? Or is it a tic? He has always had a...
  4. crazymama30

    Input on medications

    So difficult child currently takes 5mg abilify and 50mg vyvanxe in the morning, and 10mg abilify, 250mg Lamictal and 7.5mg melatonin as needed at night. We also give him 2mg abilify as needed when he gets out of control, but sometimes that is not cutting it. I have seen more acting out lately, more...
  5. S

    difficult child is having upset stomach/heartburnish issues

    Could it be a side effect from weaning off of the Abilify? She said that she is hungry but if she eats "the wrong food" it will make her feel like she will throw up. What do you all think? It has been about a week at 7.5mg down from 10.
  6. S

    ADHD medications for aggression

    I have not posted here in a few weeks. My son's fits of rage we too much for us, so we decided to put him back on abilify. He still has meltdowns, but they are not as intense. He's still getting restrained a lot at school. He has a psychiatric appointment. next week. What I have been doing is using my...
  7. W

    Our difficult child finally got a prescription- his first ever. Thoughts on Abiify?

    This will be his first ever medication, other than some emergency prescription given last summer - that we couldn't get him to take. No diagnosis yet... But he finally has a psychiatric & a new therapist. 5 mg Abilify. & to my amazement, difficult child has taken it 2 Days n a row. Wow. I know he really needs medications to...
  8. keista

    DD1 is deemed NOT stable enough for release and medication nightmare

    So I had 3 more calls this afternoon. Nurse, social worker and nurse again. Nurse called to tell me the recommendation of the psychiatrist - add Celexa. Ah, isn't that an SSRI? I REALLY DO NOT THINK THAT IS A GOOD IDEA. And I went over DD1's reactions to the previous SSRIs, AGAIN, with the nurse...
  9. A

    New to the blog

    Ok, so I am new to the blog but I have some words of encouragment. I have a six year old little boy who graduated from kindergarten yesterday. Up until the last month and a half my son was completely unpredicable, he would fight the teacher, throw chair in the class room, refuse to do his school...
  10. S

    Stealing sugar??

    I am new here, so forgive me if this topic has been covered...I'm just at my wits end. I don't even know where to begin. I guess I will stick to the most current issue. My 13-year-old stepdaughter has been stealing and hoarding sugar. Not candy or junk (although she has in the past)...but...
  11. L

    14 year old aspergers child

    Hi. My name is Sarah. I have two sons, 14 and 12. The older one has aspergers, diagnosed (finally) at age 12. Till then they called it ADHD. It seems to be much more than either of these. He has many services, has been on many medicines, and is still out of control. He does and says...
  12. C

    Bipolar Episode

    What do you do when you know you have had a manic episode and your crashing???
  13. E

    difficult child's that over-exaggerate physical/medical complaints

    Does anyone else have a difficult child that over-exaggerates medical complaints? Goes to the nurses office beyond frequently? That almost daily has at least one physical complaint? That will even resort to slightly injuring themselves so that they can go see the nurse (since that's been thwarted with...
  14. JJJ

    Lovely, Kanga is having hallucinations

    husband has been on Kanga duty -- taking her to her therapist appointments and parenting her while I have been taking care of the other 3. Kanga's therapist called me today to let me know that despite the 84 days of intensive psychiatric care that she sees no improvement in Kanga, feels she is in a manic...
  15. KTMom91

    Change in medications

    Miss KT has been complaining recently of tics, so her doctor took her off the Risperdal two days ago. I think I'll be needing a helmet and flak jacket. Cleveland, here I come! Anything I should be watching for with this medication change?
  16. M

    Quick update

    Hello Warrior Family :happy: I haven't been around much because I've been busy with family sessions, doctors calls, nurses reports, etc but I wanted to update you all on my difficult child's progress. He was released on Thursday because his violent outburst stopped after they took him off of the...
  17. jannie

    generic trileptal

    I was just told by my prescription coverage company that for now on I must give my child the "new" generic of trileptal or pay $125.00 per month for medication. For the past 2 1/2 years I paid $10.00 for three months-- Supposedly they just came out with a generic and coverage applies to the...
  18. Merfille

    Hi - for the second time but with new info.

    Good morning. I posted a hello last week, but other than replying to that, have been kind of in a whirlwind. I think I am more in a "taking" state right now with this forum than a "giving" one right now - everything is so new and we are trying to catch up quickly with all the information we...
  19. crazymama30

    No rash yet, but he is driving me crazy

    We did Lamictal 12.5 mg for six days, now did 25 mg for 2 days. difficult child is driving me crazy. No rash so far, but He is argueing over everything. If I told him the sky was blue, he would say it was red. We went to brother in law birthday party, and the kids would come up and say, Cody said a bad word, Cody...
  20. G

    should I be worried

    Yesterday difficult child II had MRI (finally) now we are waiting for results. But he still has been more and more violent with us. Yesterday he really had a bad melt down and threatened to kill me while I am sleeping with a knife. I was trying not to show that it bothered me but my Dad was there and he...