
  1. L

    Finally on right medications, 11 weeks of a HAPPY TEEN!!

    I am so proud of my daughter, she missed close to ten weeks of classes in Grade 8, due to horrible depression issues, different medicines and horrible side effects. Hit the right medication's in March, and after being out of class for three solid weeks she literally forced herself to go back..and...
  2. L

    difficult child 2 is now 'an emergency' says psychiatrist

    Hardly know where to start. psychiatrist apparently finally saw the whole big picture today! History: Abusive Biodad and difficult child 1. difficult child 2 was diagnosis'ed BiPolar (BP) at age 9 (not 'official on paper'but treatment for it anyway) due to behaviors and mood swings, also put on IEP for emotional lability and dysgraphia. Put...
  3. Dazed n Confused

    Need Help! 17yr old diagnosed with Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED), what are my options

    I am new at this so please be patient. History: 2yrs ago diagnosed with General Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Depression. He saw counselors and a pschyatrist. They tried several different medications, etc. Nothing seemed to help his violent outbursts. We had one Dr. tell us it was a family...
  4. T

    Bipolar and ADHD medication Combos

    :confused1: The rollercoaster ride continues! My son was diagnosed with bipolar and ADHD last December. We've been through the ringer (like everyone else here!) over the last couple of years of middle school with his impulsive ODD behavior and mood swings, angry outbursts, poor choices...
  5. L

    We are weaning off Depakote...

    and quite frankly I haven't seen any big changes. She is easier to wake in the AM and the extreme hunger is going down also. She still is in the refrigerator a lot, but it is just a habit. We were at 500mg XR and are down to 125mg. We stay on this dose for about 12 more days and then we are...
  6. klmno

    Zyprexa experience???

    psychiatrist wants to change difficult child (slowly) from lithobid and depakote er to this. What is it and does anyone have any experience they can share?? difficult child is currently belligerent- possibly full blown manic- court first thing tomorrow and this afternoon filled with psychiatrist appointment and mtg with his attny over...
  7. B

    Any Suggestions

    So many of you were very supportive last week with my post of can't stop crying. I thought I would ask you guys if you have any thoughts of what I might want to ask the psychiatrist tomorrow. We have been doing this for 3 years and I think I have read EVERY book and googled mood disorder and or...
  8. gcvmom

    Could this be a seizure?

    difficult child 2 mentioned today that in class lately he's been "zoning out" for five minutes at a time or so. He says he just sort of mentally goes off and doesn't remember anything, his eyes sort of black out and then he realizes he's not paying attention to his surroundings, thinks it's only been a few...
  9. J

    Geodon & Weight Gain - does severe weight gain trump a great medication?

    Hi all, I haven't been around in a long time, things have been going so wonderfully for my ds! He is happy, he is not showing ADHD symptoms, no meltdowns/rages/anger issues in months. I mean, I'd call us "normal" right now LOL The only problem is that since starting on Geodon, he has been...
  10. mog

    Bad Idea!!

    We met with the MST therapist yesterday and she did one on one with both difficult child and easy child separately away from the house. Then decided that we would have parenting one as well which was going fine until difficult child decided to get involved in the conversation so we had to send him to his room. WE have not...
  11. T


    I've seen a few posts where people mentioned that their kids were not able to tolerate Strattera. I'm having a hard time trying to figure out if my son is experiencing irritability side effects from Strattera, or this is just part of his defiant behavior. Can anyone describe their...
  12. Janna

    Tell Me About Lamictal, Please

    because, I've heard several things. I suppose I could read the website, but I'd rather get it from people with experience. I heard, initially, it was great for both BiPolar (BP) mania and depression. Then, I heard (God knows where) it doesn't do much for mania, mostly depression. So, I'm wondering...
  13. totoro

    Lamictal ? Since No doctor will call back!!! UPDATE!!

    OK, week 3 of no-one returning a call!!! So nice. Anyway, K is up to 37.5mg of Lamictal once a day in the a.m. she is also taking 2.5mg Abilify bid. She has been severely depressed, more than ever before, sitting in the a.m. and just staring out the window, "no-one likes me", "I am the worst...
  14. jugey

    Barricaded in bedroom

    And so another weekend begins with a massive sigh. I picked up difficult child from school and she expressed her regret about last night when she hit me with a half chap....I don't even remember why. I accepted her apology but within minutes she was telling me to shut up because I said no she couldn't...
  15. S

    MHMR and cps

    It's been a long time since I've posted here. I'll try and be as brief as I can. I have an 11 year old totally non verbal severly autistic son. He is currently taking 7.5ml of abilify and 3ml of procentra. He had a horrible year last year at school with throwing epic meltdowns. This year...

    Thinking of taking him off some medications...

    Tommy has been on medications in some form or other for the last four years. It's been that long since we've seen our child medication-free. I think for that reason alone and the fact that not only has his weight gotten out of control, bringing his self-esteem down and giving the kids one more...
  17. JJJ

    "Kill them" he urged her

    At Kanga's psychiatrist appointment, she shared that her voices were encouraging her to kill us all during her family visit this weekend. Lovely. The nurse and I both praised her for not listening to the voices and not killing anyone. We both then started laughing because it was just so ABSURD. Praise...
  18. D

    Frustrated mom

    Went to pediatrician neurologist yesterday and 10 yo difficult child will be taking 1 mg of abilify for her odd/anxiety/impulse behaviour. she will remain on the daytrana 15mg patch for adhd. can anyone give me some feedback on any side effect or positive results on abilify. It has been ruled out austism, bipolar...
  19. daralex

    Welcome to Lexapro!

    So we are new to the medication rodeo, but difficult child was finally placed on Lexapro. She claimed she was tired last night, but that seemed a little quick to feel symptoms? I've toyed with the whole medications idea for several years, but lately her anxiety and ager are too great for me to bear. I hope it helps her...
  20. I

    Impulse Control issues medications?

    Hi everyone. It's been a long time since I've posted here. I've been very busy working with difficult child on his Sensory Integration Disorder (SID). We did successfully get an IEP, so that is one big plus. Thanks to all of you who were helpful and supportive there. He's been off medications for about 4 months now and has grown so much. He...