
  1. M

    bipolar, twitch/itch

    So the doctor didn't really know what this twitch thing is that difficult child has. It is not there at all when he is shirtless, except for sometimes turning his head sharply to the side. But if he has a shirt on he'll keep the collar pulled as hard as he can to one side (so that it doesn't slide against...
  2. K

    New medication - Please let me know your experience

    The new medication is geodan actually it is spelled with an o not an a, but last time I put the correct spelling of a drug when difficult child googled the drug it brought up my post. Please let me know of your experience - good or bad. Took away the abilify and added this 20mgs at night for a week then 40.
  3. K

    need advice

    hello,I have not been here in a long time.let me update you.i have a son who is now 7.He has been on medications since he was 4.he has adhd,odd and a mood disorder.I had him on focalin last school year and depokote.then he was so violent and just not him I took himoff everything cause I heard that if...
  4. B

    Son released from psychiatric hospital, doing ok.

    difficult child has been in the partial program under the care of his regular psychiatrist since he was discharged from Residential Treatment Center (RTC) on Oct. 14. psychiatrist has been concerned because he has felt that they discharged him too soon (apparently this has happened with another of his patients recently too), I guess the state has a new...
  5. P

    Public Displays

    Ok. I need some advice. My 13 year old son with ODD was at the library today after school. He was going to walk home with friends (that was the plan) but his dad, who works next door, found out that he had gotten into trouble at school. Dad marched over to the library and told our son to...

    SO worn down

    difficult child has a new psychiatrist. She has increased his Abilify and added Lamictal and Visteril. The last few months have been hell. For the first time in a very long time, I had him transported to the hospital because he was destroying the house. There are holes in almost every wall and door. For saying "...
  7. A

    we switched medications and I see a change

    for the worse. Maybe. I hate this. Too soon to tell if it was a bad or good switch. We need some relief from these behaviors! difficult child has been switched from Risperdal to Abilify. He's been on 2 mgs at night. Today we added the 2 mg. in the a.m. He's weepy, being obsessive about needing a quarter...
  8. scaredofhim

    Haven't been here in a while, an update

    Things continue to be about the same with SS. He acts slightly better at our home every other weekend than he does at his bio mom's, and there is a social worker coming to her home and working with SS a few times a week. It really hasn't made any difference. He has missed 8 days of school...
  9. M

    Anyone like Geodon?

    I never read anything good about Geodon. Just wondering if anyone had success on this with their difficult children? My difficult child is 14, but we did a short trial of Geodon years ago, and he went a little biserk on it, so we stopped it. Just wondering if maybe we should try it again. difficult child was on Abilify and did...
  10. totoro

    New psychiatrist Apt.

    Well husband and easy child were feeling better this morning!!! But difficult child was running a high fever and her little cheeks were completely flushed. She was anxious and worried the whole way there. Freaking out in the waiting room, wimpering, hiding. Finally went in to see psychiatrist and difficult child was all over the place...
  11. M

    Seroquel Increase Problem. Help needed

    update on Seroquel - so after increased aggression & agitation after increase to 75mg seroquel (while transitioning off abilify), Dr. says to keep it at 75mg and not decrease it, because his agitation is transititional due to the increase or words to that effect (per husband). Does this make any...
  12. klmno

    A shread of hope...

    I just got home. difficult child is still in juvy but here's what happened. First, I found out he was charged with malicious wounding, which I wasn't sure that should be the correct charge because the only actual wound I got was a superficial scratch on the back of my wrist- I thought thhere was a charge...
  13. H

    Talked to doctor's office (not happy need advice)

    Now, we've established that Zyprexa at bedtime doesn't work for kiddo, right? Right. Hyper, leg pains, etc. She's also eating like a lumberjack, even when she's full she's still hungry. Called doctor's office. They want to cut back the Zyprexa to the previous 5mg taken at bedtime and add Abilify in...
  14. M

    ablfy dosage, strike 2

    So difficult child was on 7 mg through the second half of the school year and things were great. Then at the beginning of summer, due to circumstances I dont want explain in a public forum (pm me if u like), he was lowered to 5mg for 2.5 weeks, and meltdowns, out of control misbehavior started happening...
  15. crazymama30

    He's lying

    That is what difficult child son was yelling at me as a very angry, wet (from the hot tub) came storming down the street. Then difficult child goes to a bush and throws something in it. Apparently difficult child had a lighter and was trying to light the bushes in the mans yard on fire! That was after he ran through the man's...
  16. whatamess


    We have tried a number of medications for difficult child. The psychiatrist's we have seen always go back to suggesting antipsychotics, but I'm hesitant for many reasons one of which is...don't you end up having to up the dose and up the dose and then add more medications to counteract the side effects and eventually it stops...
  17. L

    At the very End of my rope

    :whiteflag::whiteflag::whiteflag:I know I havent been here in awhile but things seem like they are just going worse and worse with difficult child. A few weeks ago he decided to run away from home, well we live in the country so he got like a mile from home and some people saw him coming out of the woods...
  18. wakeupcall

    He's mauling me

    Please, what could be going on with my difficult child NOW? :confused1: He just goes from one thing to another it seems. First of all, he's 13 1/2, NOT five years old...he's mauling me to death. He incessantly hugs me HARD causing me to lose my footing. Kisses me HARD over and over and over. In the...
  19. C

    difficult child 2 on Vyvanse???

    Does anyone know anything about this drug? Our 5 year old is on it and abilify. Nothing seems to help him and his impulsiveness. He throws fits about everything and litterly throws everything. Our easy child gets the brunt of it, hitting bitting and kicking from our difficult child 2. I need some...
  20. G

    when do you give your difficult child his/her medications?

    My difficult child II is on Lexapro and Abilify, Dr. tells me to give him medications at dinner time, now Dr. at ER seemed to think he should have abilify in the AM, but when we forgot one night and gave it to him in the AM he could hardly stay awake, any thoughts?