
  1. L

    I really dont get it...?

    Sorry...I know this is such a boring topic, but does any one have insight into my difficult child behaviour!!!? This morning he woke up....very early...Played with his hamster...came into our room, playing with his yo-yo....He seemed content, but I did wonder what's up with him, waking so early? He...
  2. TerryJ2

    difficult child on first day of lithium

    We've tried nearly everything else. I'll let you know how it works. One good bit of news: he finally got a pair of glasses, a step toward getting contacts. (He was all thumbs last yr.) He ranted and raved all the way to the mall, and once they were on his face and he looked around, he said...
  3. crazymama30

    now possible hospitalization

    So last night difficult child snuck out to meet his friend, D. husband went to check on difficult child at 1am and he was gone. We both called him and he would not answer his cell. I texted him and told him if he was not home in 10 minutes I was going to call the police. He walked in the door in 10minutes. Said he went...
  4. E

    Theft & difficult child's

    What do you got? I need ideas! I need help! I need suggestions, tips, whatever. Gfg15 stole yet again this week from someone at school. My kid needs help! And I do NOT know how to help her! It hurts so very bad to watch her keep making these poor choices. PMIC staff have told the school to...
  5. totoro

    Sad, bummed, help...

    I don't even want to post this. I am just so flustered. I don't think husband and I have ever sat up at night and talked so much than in the last couple of months. K started Lithium almost 3 months ago. Her levels are good. She is at 600mg. There are new studies showing great results with...
  6. Janna

    Well, I Think We're Going To Play With Some Drugs

    so if you guys could keep fingers crossed for me, I'd really appreciate it. Dylan! The Lithium is definately staying. He's still good at 900 mg., right around .90. We have been weighing the good vs. the bad on the Abilify. I am very uncomfortable continuing on with this medicine, for the...
  7. JKF

    Minipress and Cogentin

    Does anyone here have any experience with these medications? The psychiatrist from the psychiatric hospital that difficult child was admitted to just called and asked for permission to put him on these medications. I looked them up and it looks like Minipress is used for high blood pressure but can also be used to treat PTSD. She wanted to...
  8. llamafarm

    How do you cope when everything is your fault?

    What do you all do to deal with the constant blame that your difficult child puts on you? My difficult child blames me for lost glasses, lost socks, fish that die, his slipping down the stairs, not having the cereal he wants, his not being ready for things on time, etc. It is endless and exhausting. I walk away...
  9. F

    Help: Can't Afford medications

    Long story, short: we have no medical insurance & won't be able to get any in the forseeable future. difficult child has been with-o medications (Abilify, 5mg daily) for 2 months & is now worse off than before medications. psychiatrist had prescribed Abilify & Remeron, which worked well for a while. But, I can't afford the...
  10. flutterby

    psychiatrist appointment - new medications, new diagnosis, yada, yada, yada

    We saw the other psychiatrist in the practice because ours is on vacation. I was okay with that because I don't particularly like ours. So, this other psychiatrist is about 3 days older than dirt. Just sayin'. And she didn't listen to anything that difficult child said. I would repeat back exactly what difficult child said and...
  11. M

    I have a mean cursing difficult child - I want to run away

    It will never get any better. I just need to vent. I have the worst difficult child ever. He curses at me, and is very nasty to both husband & myself, breaks things, damages the house etc. Medication doesn't even make a dent. I feel like giving up but i can't, or can I? I don't think so, at least not...
  12. A

    HELP!! I am so confused.....

    I have a 12 yo difficult child. I have been on here in the past. He has been on medications for ADHD since he was 7. Then when he was 10 in 4th grade we moved to a new town. After the move he became a bit sad so the psychiatrist put him on Prozac. He became more depressed on that. So I took him off. A few month...
  13. T

    New diagnosis, New RX

    Well, the psychiatric hospital called and I guess they're releasing difficult child tomorrow if he continues to do well. diagnosis is mood disorder - they won't say anything specific and I gather that's because of his age and that's fine. Rx is Risperdal. Never heard of it but apparently they use it a lot. Anyone here...
  14. Lothlorien

    fireworks issues?

    Not sure what the issue was, but last night was a little scary for Missy. We went for ice cream. Mighty Mouse didn't finish his, but Missy did (of course, the human disposal..lol). She's been really good the past several days, so I let her finish it. Then we went and parked in front of some...
  15. I

    Need advice

    Hi I have not been on this site for awhile. My son 4 1/2 was given the diagnosis of Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)-not otherwise specified and was put on clodidine - did nothing. Changed to Rispodal- worked wonders until he put on weight (4 lbs in one month) He was on .25 ml dr increase it to .50 ml 2 x a day - his impulsiveness got worse and he...
  16. crazymama30

    visit with new psychiatrist update

    Went really well. She is very thorough.....while we like old psychiatrist, he was not nearly this thorough. She asked difficult child many questions and he seemed to do really well. He lost his temper a little bit, which was good as she got to see a tiny glimpse of what we deal with at home. She cracked me...
  17. A

    holy cow medications $$$$

    Soo....we have a health savings account/high deductible insurance and our plan was to blow it out this year with-all of difficult child's evaluations and medications, but I just got off the phone with the pharmacy and his prescription of Abilify has a $800something co-pay. Co-pay! HA HA! Good thing I will be picking it...
  18. L

    checking in after a long time gone

    Hi, Some of you may remember me. I remember many of you and your kids. This was the first place I found after my son was originally dxd with odd. He's 14 now and in full blown puberty. So far he's still alive, but some days I wonder if he'll make it another hour. Last week I was summoned...
  19. rosebud71

    questions about medications???

    My son has been hospitalized for just over a week due to his manic episodes and violent behavior. Some of you have told me about trying mood stabilizers . I discussed his medications with his social worker this morning and she told me that seroquel is used for both antipsychotic and a mood stabilizer...
  20. B

    Feeling Sad About difficult child

    We did not have a good day today. It started when he came home and demanded that he be allowed to eat all of the Sun Chips. I said he could have half of them and asked that he save the other half for easy child, since I had bought those chips for him. There were a lot of chips left, and I didn't...