
  1. A

    Hallucinations on Intuniv?

    Hi guys, first don't worry I have already called the doctor. I would like some parenting advice though on those of you who have used Intuniv. My son is on it for behavior issues. He has been on it 3 weeks 3 days. He started out on 1mg and did wonderful. Was so good in school had no issues...
  2. T

    Bipolar and ADHD medication Combos

    :confused1: The rollercoaster ride continues! My son was diagnosed with bipolar and ADHD last December. We've been through the ringer (like everyone else here!) over the last couple of years of middle school with his impulsive ODD behavior and mood swings, angry outbursts, poor choices...
  3. TerryJ2

    He just argues and argues

    OMG, I am so sick of it. Doesn't matter how many books I've read and how much counseling we've been through. It seems like nothing changes. He's just got that huge sense of entitlement. He's been lagging and dragging all wk, finding all sorts of things to eat that make him sick, then staying up...
  4. T

    difficult child up all night...At my wits end

    Hi, difficult child has been transitioning from Trileptal to Depakote ER since our psychiatrist visit two weeks ago. He has now finished Trileptal and is taking 500 mg of Depakote ER. We made this switch after several very good months on Trileptal because difficult child once again became hypomanic a few weeks ago. psychiatrist had...
  5. jcox

    Tenex causing depression? Bad 1st day

    E is very very depressed today. He has been crying most of the day and he is not a crier. He is always more just here, angry, manic, but not crying even when he is sad sometimes. Today he was the worst since before his hospitalization as far as mood goes. He has been very irritable and depressed...
  6. K

    Another "newbie"

    Hi all and good morning. Just joined the site this morning, but thought I would get my introduction out of the way... I am 30 yrs old and engaged to my fiance of 5 yrs. We are a blended family with my 7 yr old son from a previous relationship and my fiance's 10 yr old daughter from a...
  7. K

    Horrible and scary weekend

    I am on my way out right now. So must be quick. I am terrified. difficult child lost it, blew up, totally out of control, worse than I ever saw. We had attempted to go to dinner with easy child, his birthday is tomorrow and we were having his birthday dinner. All was fine until we got there. We took two cars...
  8. C

    New and Losing it

    I've never joined a forum before but I need to talk to someone that has similiar problems like I am dealing with. I have a darling 8 yr old daughter that is seeing a child psychiatrist for anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) but she has horrible rage attacks...we had her on Paxil and it didn't work, she stopped...
  9. TerryJ2

    He's bouncing off the walls

    Whew, it's getting to be a long day! We didn't give difficult child any medications this a.m., so he could be tested "as is." He is literally hopping around like a kangaroo. Good thing he has a baseball game in 45 min.! He's generally in a good mood--mouthed off a few times--but I think the clonidine may still...
  10. Marguerite

    Melatonin info?

    Has anyone tried melatonin? How did you find it? I mentioned to the psychiatrist about difficult child 3 being increasingly late to bed then sleeping in late and being difficult to get moving - out of character. I realise some of this may be typical teen stuff coming in, but I need to find some way to 'switch' difficult child 3 into...
  11. Shari

    Spect scans and medication question

    I haven't posted a lot lately, either my own threads or response to others because wee difficult child has been very, very "off" for a month or longer. I would say he qualifies as manic. Even sleep patterns have changed. A few times, we have had to use our emerency PRN medication to knock him down. Except...
  12. TiredSoul

    Major Aggression and Meltdowns Daily

    The pediatrician hasn't called us back - I also have a call in to the psychiatrist! difficult child has been having problems at school during recess everyday and has been super aggressive after school which then leads to him getting in physical fights with his friend. We are to the point where we will...
  13. S

    Tired and feeling hopeless...

    I'm back. It's been awhile since I was on here and I used a different name them - it was butterflydreams. Anyway, life has been very hectic since this last summer. I am no longer working, I am going to school full time now. My daughter took the GED in May and aced it! She is now...
  14. F

    medications for sleep?

    I'm going to make an appointment for difficult child for something to help her sleep. She's had trouble sleeping for years. Melatonin doesn't work, nor does benadryl. What do your kids take at night to help with sleep?
  15. TerryJ2

    Lighting matches again!!! He's almost 14 !

    I just smelled something a min. ago ... matches, candles ... easy child loves that kind of stuff but she's away at school. I went into difficult child's room and his light was on, he had a paperback there he was reading, but he wasn't there. I called downstairs and found him in the kitchen getting salsa and chips...
  16. J

    hi update :) as the "stomach turns" part 3???

    hi!! :) I haven't been in a while lately, again. I"m struggling keeping up this summer with work difficult child, and easy child kicking up to boot. so, difficult child's throwing me for a loop. We were stable and steady running through end of school, than it turned when she lost her daily structure of school routine...
  17. J

    Child with ODD help please

    I have a son he is 6 years old. He was diagnosed with ADHD and ODD. He is currently taking Vavyanse for his ADHD. He is constantly arguing still laughs when you correct him, and he makes very strange noises and sounds. Its like when Im talking to him no one is there. He has a blank look in his...
  18. W

    Autism Spectrum and Meltdowns

    Hi everyone, I used to visit this forum quite frequently, and now I'm back - years later making another "first post". Yes, it's been a bad day - a bad week, actually. Our youngest boy (age 9) has an autism spectrum disorder (Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)/not otherwise specified), ADHD, apraxia of speech, and ODD-like behaviors as well...
  19. B

    Contrary Kid

    I have always known that our third son was challenging. We have referred to him as "contrary," or "strong-willed," or a "spitfire." But today at the doctor's office, she called him ODD. It surprised me. I guess having taught for 10 years I always thought that I would see the difference...
  20. L

    14 year old aspergers child

    Hi. My name is Sarah. I have two sons, 14 and 12. The older one has aspergers, diagnosed (finally) at age 12. Till then they called it ADHD. It seems to be much more than either of these. He has many services, has been on many medicines, and is still out of control. He does and says...