support for parents of mentally ill adults

  1. M

    Report on court yesterday

    Well, he is out on a PR bond; didn't cost us anything. I hird a lawyer and they pled him not guilty to the three charges 1. Domestic assault, a class 1 misdemeanor, maximum 1 year in jail, $1000 fine or both 2. Less than 1 ounce of marijuana, an infraction, fine $100 3. Minor in consumption of...
  2. HereWeGoAgain

    difficult child conflicting with sponsor

    My daughter and her AA sponsor are somewhat at odds recently, and it is making me a little anxious. Here's the problem: sponsor is telling difficult child that she needs to be "more responsible." Well, nothing wrong with that, and I agree. The thing is, the sponsor thinks her main goals should be to "get...
  3. goldenguru

    If you've ever 'sent your child away' ...

    For those who sent children away for extended lengths of time .... do you ever struggle with your decision to do so? We began the nightmare almost 5 years ago. Made her long term placement almost 4 years ago. She has been home over two years. By most standards she is doing well. She is...
  4. N

    GFGMOM Called, said M is going to Supermax

    Last I heard from M was that he got mad at a guard, said something to anger him, and got put in solitary for 3 months. he was transfered out of the place where he was at (a drug and alcohol program) which was minimum security. No fennces, he could walk around the grounds, just had to be in at...
  5. B

    I'm so afraid...

    My daughter who used to take drugs is starting to scare me. She has always been high strung, but lately she is overwhelmed with her job and her boyfriend and her father says stupid things to her that make her very nervous. She lives with her father AND with her boyfriend (who lives with his...
  6. Fran

    How detached?

    difficult child has really bad triglycerides. They are supposed to be below 150. His were over 1000. The Dr. warned he will have a heart attack in the next year or two without a doubt. He is on 3 cholesterol/triglycerided lowering medications, a healthy diet. The level dropped to 600 range in 3 months and he...
  7. Echolette

    4 months of no contact

    As the weeks go by, I realize that I'm not really detached...I harbor a hope, nay, a belief, that difficult child will finally GET IT if I can just find the right key, and I was laboring under the delusion that losing me (by going no contact) would surely be it.... Stop harboring hopes of change Echo...
  8. HeadlightsMom

    Tough Morning

    Took difficult child to a doctor's appointment this morning. Small shades of old difficult child appeared. Not huge, but husband and I are aware and alert. difficult child is sick (so stayed with us last night). I know he doesn't feel well. We've all battled "the crud" this week in our house, so welcome to the club. Today is his...
  9. 4

    Stressed, trying to detach!

    I am so tired of this roller coaster ride. I have been dealing with my 33 year old difficult child, bipolar and pot and alcohol abuser for years. I have helped him through legal issues, places to stay, tried to get him disability ( he was denied the first time) and all the other things we try with our...
  10. A

    New here

    I'm new here and really feeling weary right now. My oldest daughter is 19 and has had behavior problems her entire life. To get away from bad influences here, we moved her out of state about one year ago to live with my mom. Things were going well, but she was being careless, not keeping her...
  11. I

    Some questions...trying to detach

    husband and i were talking last night, and we agreed it would be a good idea if we decided ahead of time what our response to certain specific situations would be. So I would like everyone's opinion to these scenerios: The next time difficult child blows his check or does not come up with the rent, should we a...
  12. M

    Ant is going to be a Daddy.... Sigh....

    Ant called me last night to let me know that C was two weeks late. C is always on time. I asked how they felt about that.... C has to get out of jail and the restraining order has to be lifted before they can really talk about it. C is a year clean from Drugs, but like most recovering...
  13. S

    17 Year Old Hurting Family

    Hello we are a family of 5. Myself, my husband, my year 6 year old daughter, my 11 year old daughter, his 17 year old son, and our 2 year old daughter. My husband plays Dad to everyone and I play Mom to every one. Neither of our ex's are in the picture. Our 17 year old son has been in and out...
  14. B

    Sonic is rebelling lately...I suspect wants to be "normal"

    And I'm starting to think he is more normal than the professionals think. Sonic (as posted on WaterCooler) took our car on a road trip (ok, it was just three miles). The thing is, he has no license and could have been tossed in jail if Hub had called the police. He was about to report a stolen...
  15. Elsieshaye

    Just plain angry

    Nothing really new to report about my difficult child. (Background: found out a couple months ago he was using, after an awful year of him acting like a complete jackass. Kicked him out of the house shortly thereafter and cut off all money. He moved in with his father. Much drama ensued, aimed at me...
  16. Kathy813

    difficult child is in the halfway house but . . .

    difficult child came over to our house to get a check for the halfway house. I left her in the kitchen for a few minutes while I went to get my checkbook. After she left, I went to give our dogs their afternoon dose of Benadryl for their allergies when I realized it was missing. I asked husband if he had...
  17. A

    Done, so why do I feel worse?

    I finally did it. I kicked my 20yr old ADHD son out of the house. So why do I feel worse despite reading the multitude of responses I received ( I posted on the verge of a nervous breakdown)? Although this decision was excruciating, I'm not convinced he's 'better off' as he's chosen to live...
  18. A

    New here, need advice re wilderness

    Hello. I've been looking over this site and finding some commonalities. My difficult child (I think that's the right moniker) was discharged from residential treatment for severe depression in late December. Was doing very well, but insisted on coming home for the holidays. Returned to poker playing...
  19. Star*

    Any Idea what this is? Up, down syndrome.

    I'm not sure what anyone else calls a stressful week. But I was reminded today that when we don't share these troubles in our lives with our friends it bottles up inside us like a fizzy, exploding coke AND it can hurt our friends who think we trust them with helping us when things are tough in...
  20. crazymama30

    circle of support for hound dog

    Hopefully today Hound dog's difficult child will call the psychiatrist. I want to start a circle of support for her and difficult child, and hope that the call to the psychiatrist is made. From Oregon reaching out to......................