support for parents of mentally ill adults

  1. N

    A book mentioned...awesome!

    Not too long ago someone mentioned a book like this to me and I regret not buying it. So when someone here mentioned one they liked (Barbara?), I ordered it fast delivery at amazon. I'm reading it 100 mph now. I'm half way through.WOW! It's called Setting Boundaries with Your Adult Children...
  2. katya02

    Ready to see him go off medications ...

    I went away to visit relatives in Canada for five days and was shocked when I came back. After not seeing difficult child for several days it struck me forcibly how much his mental function has deteriorated on medications. He now has virtually no short-term memory; he loses things, forgets what we've told him...
  3. katya02

    He won't cope

    Upsetting conversation tonight. About a week ago when husband laid into difficult child over the stabbed message board and holes in the wall, husband told difficult child over and over that if he gets kicked out now, he won't survive - that he'll go to the welfare office, but he won't have enough to live on, and nowhere to live...
  4. P

    17 1/2 year old,needs to leave when

    Hello, I haven't been on for awhile and was last on the under 18 forum! My bi-polar,ODD 17 1/2 year old son(18 in May) was in 2 residential,group home type settings(16 months 1 time, 18 months last time) and here we are!!! I made my last ditch effort for treatment for him before Christmas, went...
  5. K

    new to all this

    I'm new to this site desperately seeking any answers or insite. My son is 20, 1st diagnosed ADD when 12. In past 2-3 years- chronic problems with lieing ,stealing, keeping jobs, talking disrespectfully,failing and being thrown out of school etc. Had him hospitalized in pyhchiatric hospital, 5 weeks...
  6. R

    difficult child still not doing well (update call with CW )

    difficult child has been calling from jail once a week for the past three weeks now. The last call he was so messed up. He was crying and the inmates were making fun of him. When he wasn't crying he was yelling at them. He says he has been moved to the "crazy pod". That is where they put the inmates who...
  7. dashcat

    Move Over Step.... difficult child just announced her engagement on Facebook the Craiglist/landlord/live-in boyfriend ("I'm not dating him, MOM!") who she has known for all of three weeks. She somehow has Ossy believing they've known each other for six months ... but it isn't true. No point in trying to talk sense to him. She has know him for THREE WEEKS. And...
  8. dashcat

    Woke up to find a note from difficult child:

    Mom, I was up all night crying and I don't know why. Something is wrong with me. I would like to see (therapist) sooner than the 20th (her next appointment). Can you call her? I love you. It's been a real rollercoaster around here over the past few days, especially. She broke up with her boyfriend...
  9. N

    difficult child is out of money

    I was at lunch today with a friend and I got a text from difficult child asking if I could transfer $20 into her bank account so she could buy lunch. She worked today 8-7 and had no money to get lunch and only has $18 in her bank account. I told her I was not able to do that right now and she should go into...
  10. F

    Question about military and difficult child

    Does anyone know if you have been arrested, can you join the military? difficult child was arrested 2 times when he was a teen and both charges were expunged after probation. As an adult, he was arrested for having marijuana in his vehicle. He was on probation and is now off of it. He was told he can...
  11. F

    Time article on Borderline (BPD)

    I posted this on the WC, but thought I would post it here, too, for those of you that don't venture out there. ;),9171,1870491,00.html
  12. R

    18 and being ugly

    his tudd at least omg if i ask him to stop befor he breaks it boom he's off calling me every name in the book. worst thing is he can't take care of him self, can't cook has to be told to shower has no idea how to work a washer or dryer did not get through 10 grade but thinks he can go back just...
  13. goldenguru

    When to help our adult children?

    Another post in this forum got me thinking this morning. My husband and I are both from families whose parenting ideology went something like: "once you leave home - you've made your bed, now you sleep in it". We would have NEVER dared to ask for money or help of any kind. And there were...
  14. mstang67chic

    difficult child is unraveling

    difficult child quit taking his medications when he was still in jail or prison. I'm not sure exactly when but it's probably been close to 2 years ago now. Since he was released back in March, he has been getting worse and worse. I'm still not sure if his last diagnoses was in ADDITION to the bipolar or instead...
  15. 4

    Don't know if I did the right thing?

    my 33 year old difficult child has been in crisis mode for over a year. He's also been homeless for a year now with periods of time when myself or my ex has helped him with by the week motel rentals, etc. I finally said enough and have refused any more financial help because it wasn't helping and was...
  16. B

    If you have personality disorders in your family, including difficult child...

    I found a good site to address this issue. Very specific to personality disorders, but it sounds so much like our families of origin along with many of our difficult children I thought I'd offer you the site. Has lots of reading info too. In my case, I know Dad is NPD, mom had many borderline traits, and...
  17. JKF

    Not sure what happened...

    I've known for a while now that my dad was having major problems with difficult child. He wouldn't follow or comply with any rules set by my dad. He only wanted to play video games and eat all day. He stole from my dad and the other tenants. He got a puppy and wouldn't give it up after my dad repeatedly...
  18. BackintheSaddle

    60 minutes report on mental illness treatment

    In case you can, 60 minutes is airing a story related to a son who attacked his Dad...thought some of you might be interested...supposed to focus on lack of treatment
  19. dashcat

    difficult child's joblessness is getting to me. Not sure where to go from here

    I feel as though my hands are tied. difficult child has been, willingly, unemployed since the end of June. She lives with me and I thought I was being smart by immediately putting her to work around here. It is a fairly structured situation where she is required to work from 9 (well she gets up at 9...
  20. P

    Where are you, Flower Garden?

    Hi, I PM'd you, please give us an update. Thanks, Peg