Hi, I am new to this site. Happy I found it because it feels like when I am going through these issues with my son that I am the only one going through it....a very lonely feeling. Son't know where to start, but I guess I will start by saying that my son, who is now 9 1/2 and a 3rd grader, was...
Well, to make a really long story sort of short, a year ago today difficult child was released from her first psychiatric hospital stay for brandishing a knife at herself and her stepdad, and threatening to kill herself because the dogs interrupted her youtube viewing. Things seem to have only gotten worse. She may not...
It's been about a year since I've been here. difficult child is driving me and everyone/thing crazy. He has to be pestering something at all times, or messing something up, breaking something, constantly talking/making noise, etc. He has to be constantly bugging me, CONSTANT COMPLAINING. Today I washed...
Wow. difficult child is so off the wall lately in the morning before his patch kicks in. It is crazy. I am also wondering if he is a little hypomanic, as he has been irritable at times and Thursday he was up at who knows when. I was up at 5am, and he was up playing with legos(at least he was quiet...
Please tell me if you have any experiences with these drugs for your GDG. psychiatrist is considering for my youngest, who continues to have lots of problems with emotional dysregulation and a lot of impulsive behavior. We may need to take him off of Abilify because of weight gain. Amantadine...
This week is difficult child's medication check... He's been on Abilify & tenex for forever... and he is maxed out on the dosages. He still has all the same issues, although the medications taken at night help him wind down for sleep at a decent hour, and i suppose they do curb some of his agressive behavior during the...
psychiatrist remarked on difficult child's attention problems and suggested clonidine. Says a new, time-release, version is coming out in a few months. Mentioned Strattera as an alternative but more unpleasant side effects.
Now that major behavior issues are under control with Abilify I am reluctant to medication him...
Hi all. It has been a long time. TO update: I was in school this semester. Trying to get certified in medical billing so I can work from home..
Sammy has been doing ok for the most part. This week he was "suspended" for the day because he was hitting. I told them thank you for rewarding...
after reading about Elijah, and noting that my difficult child is only on 1/2 a 0.5 mg tablet of Clonidine, I'm wondering what to suggest to the psychiatrist on Mon.
The Zoloft was a total bust, if you all recall. No mood changes, but plenty of physical symtoms.
He did SO well on the Clonidine in the psychiatric hospital when...
Several months ago, after trying my 10 y.o. daughter (difficult child 1) on Prozac, it was a disaster. Her meltdowns, which were bad, got out of control at home and school. Took her off the Prozac and they didn't stop. Now after having her heavily medicated on Risperdal, Concerta and now Zoloft, she's...
Well the meltdowns and defiance have returned since we started the Focalin again about three weeks ago.
I am so discouraged. After three months of peace and tranquility in my home when difficult child was taking lithium alone we are back to the screaming, meltdowns, blaming everyone for his behavior...
I'm new here I have lurked here and there. My son is 5 years old and he has been suspended for the third time in 3 weeks. He has only attended school maybe 3 times this month. He was diagnosed with anxiety from one Dr, but the Dr passed and we were just getting started with his diagnosis. The...
I am posting this here, because I am not sure where else to post it. Mods, feel free to move if necessary.
Just a question -- Matt is still suffering from a lot of PTSD fight or flight symptoms, as well as anxiety related issues. He cannot take SSRIs or Benzos, at all. I have read that some...
Good morning and hello to all! This is my very first post on this forum (something I usually avoid like the plague). But, yesterday, my 6 year old was prescribed Tenex. When he was diagnosed to be on the autism spectrum, I SWORE I would never medicate my sweet little boy. His volatile temper...
So difficult child has been gone for a month. If anything he is worse, and I don't think the Seroquel is working.
I had a blunt and frank conversation with family therapist last night, she caught me at a time when my armour was down (I had been crying for hours, just so sick of all this and found out easy child...
I have been reading the forum here and there just lurking. I have finally decided to join. I have a 5 year old Son. because of my insurance the doctors would not see him to diagnose him until he was 5. Well he finally started the process in June. In July he was diagnosed with generalized anxiety...
He sounds very different. He calls several times a day, but sounds different in a good way. Now I don't know if this is honeymooning or him trying to get out quicker, but he sounds more...I don't know - sure of himself? He says that he feels happier. He mentioned that there were a few fights...
We have created some bad habits with TRex, I know that. We had so much trouble getting her eating and sleeping when we brought her home that sometimes we took the easy way. One we have always struggled with is her sleep. She has always fought going to sleep and/or taking a nap. She wakes...
Boy oh boy has it been a LONG time since I have had to post anything here... B2 is just spiraling out of control these days. He is starting to show signs of regression again as far as being physically agressive towards me and B1. We have been having some issues over the past month or so, but...
They said I refused to let difficult child attend their school time, I said no, I refused to allow for an open dialog from school and hospital. He doesn't have any homework, only reading 5 minutes a night and recording it. I will bring that form for them. They said, well it is crossed out, I said I was not...