He has been trying to get a case manager through the county to assist w any services he would need like housing, jobs ect but they are never reachable and haven’t made progress yet.
I would suspect he is the one dragging his feet, and putting the responsibility on them. He needs to go everyday, then. Every county mental health should have an adult day program which meets daily. He would have a case manager, and a psychiatrist.
I do struggle w putting him out on the street as he takes medications for mood disorder and adhd. Thanks god no problems w drugs or alcohol.
More or less, this was our situation. He would not take medications but he did have mood instability. I did put him on the street. And once out he did develop a serious dependency on marijuana. In our case, my son would not do anything for himself. No treatment. No work. No training. Nothing. I felt like I had no choice. But looking back, I regret it. My son has only floundered since he left here.
ADHD and mood disorder typically are not disabling conditions. With medication and support people can function quite well. But your son is handling growing up and away from the family. For some, this is a long and difficult process. My own position is that my son had to be doing something to help himself. In retrospect I wish I had tolerated more while he worked this through. He needed my support. But would not accept it.
Maybe you need to go with him to the County, at least until he is assigned a case manager and program. That way things will be clear. I would also encourage him to get involved with your state Department of Rehabilitation. From them he might get job training assistance, job finding services (they will negotiate with employers and even pay part of their salary.) Or even help to go to college, as I understand it. I have pushed my son with this but so far, he has not followed through.
I think you have leverage as long as he is home. (Many people disagree with me. Believing the better course, is that they leave. I am not sure anymore, if it is the best case for the kids who struggle with mental issues. But the reality is I don't know.)