Thanks so much for your support. I'm going to ask the court for something along those lines- I don't know that it will be as much of a request as a plea. LOL! But, really, if their goal is to keep difficult child with me then I hope they would allow an assessment by the same people assessing him. And make it a real assessment- not one personality test and nothing else. If the goal is to find out if I'm a fit parent, I am going to bring up the fact that then whoever they are considering sending difficult child to should also get the test.
But given where difficult child is now and his psychiatrist's report, it seems absurd to me that they would be considering that route. But, maybe they are just looking for a quick, less-expensive answer that stems from some of their own stereotypes and assumptions.
More and more, I view it like the sd. Yes, they are supposed to be looking out for difficult child's educational needs. But many of us here have learned that if we turn our heads and leave it up to the sd and assume all will be dealt with appropriately, the kid will get the minimum, if anything, and sometimes what they do will make things worse.
Example: Even now sd says they won't recommend difficult child for Residential Treatment Center (RTC). Never mind that the place he is now does and there's every indication he needs it. The reason sd won't recommend it is because they would have to pay more toward the cost of it. But do you really think the sd wants a difficult child who recently pulled a knife on his mom back in their school right now?
And, we all know how sd's will say "well, we don't have that available" when we are in an iep meeting and tell them what we think difficult child needs for extra support. So, they want to push what they do have easily available and convince the parent that this is all difficult child needs. When that accommodation doesn't work, it will inevitably be the kid's fault or the parent's fault but not that it was the inappropriate accommodation. The courts do the same thing. It is clearly written by a psychiatrist that difficult child needs a higher level of psychiatric care. Department of Juvenile Justice wants to send difficult child home with therapist for us. That's because Department of Juvenile Justice funding covers a certain type of therapist care for at-risk youth. So they are trying to change the problem/needs to fit what they have readily available. Doe anyone know of a therapist who does nothing but behavior management that can also deliver "a higher level of psychiatric care"? I'll guarantee you that if I kept my mouth shut and just went along with everything they said, this is what we would be getting because I've been so much as told that already. There have been people already openly pushing for it.