Definitely younger people get it. Just not near as often. Early onset Schizophrenia, and very early onset.
I would have to agree with your son that the worst would be seeing the ground dissolving beneath him.
I wish we could all figure out a way to fix these things.
I am currently watching Dr. Drew talk to parents of an autistic teen who is in prison for arson that killed his baby brother. My oh my...what in God's name can be done to help these people.
When I get time I am curious to read more of your story. Is your son's schizophrenia regulated at times? If so, with what? I also wonder what caused the stroke? Do docs have any idea? Fear? medications? I am very interested.
SWOT, yep, Pigless sure is my hero!! I agree with you up there. Very brave, indeed.
New Leaf, first, you're a good mother. Enabling is uneducated mothering, in my opinion...does more harm than good. I've read many of your posts...I know you know this, but it's always worth repeating, right? It's your choice not to talk to your two...if they can't be respectful.
One tell-tale sign is teeth that are beginning to rot. That is a given. I've also seen Vicodin rot out teeth, and a few other drugs, though too, so...With long term meth use too, there's almost always paranoia, hallucinating, mania...
I know the circle talk all too well. I feel for ya...I try hard these days not to get caught up in those talks. Doesn't happen that often these days. Son knows if he wants to talk to me he cannot get away with that.
he most certainly will try to engage the circle talk with me, but I quickly "redirect" him by telling him, "No, don't waste this phone call on nonsensical talk, I will hang up", and I follow through if he does and say first, "I am going to hang up now, please know that I love you, but do not call me back unless you can be rational. I am not trying to rationalize with an irrational person today." Click. He used to need constant reminders and follow through on my part, now he mostly gets it, unless he's far off in lala land, then I simply hang up...
I've also reminded him the definition of've all heard this one too, I am sure..."doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results". He doesn't like me saying this to him, but he quotes it himself now. LOLOLOL, when he catches himself being "crazy". When he's on his medications, he's quite regulated and actually a joy to be with, just the past two years, he's been on major intervention mode.
I use positive reinforcement with Son when he is having good conversation, I tell him, and continue on...but when it's "bad" conversation, I use a basic "extinguishing" technique. I hang up, and stay hung up for days. Of course lots of us do this....
I simply will not engage if it's negative on his part. I have done this so long with him, I do it without realizing does help. It's the basic premise really of "detachment" for me. At least this is how I see it. My goal is that he will be positively reinforced into therapy and treatment and his bad behavior will hopefully be extinguished so we can come back together as a family unit. It's a constant battle of the wills, I suppose. Sometimes I feel like I am re-teaching basic communication skills over and over again....As I am sure many of us feel. Trying to rationalize with Son is like trying to pull my own teeth. Just doesn't work, but these very basic techs do work most of the time to make future discussions with him easier.
The ol' hamster wheel. That just might be my favorite emoticon.