Oh, you probably learned your 'people pleasing' skills early on, I'm guessing.
Yes, you may need to re-evaluate what you can realistically do for everyone. And that's OK. You have to look out for yourself too.
My grandmother is grateful for the help, and not at all demanding, though she is getting really anxious when someone throws anything out. I usually clean out the fridge really well when I go, and she seems to think I am throwing out perfectly good stuff, when of course, I am not going to do that. Just trying to keep everyone healthy. But other than that, she is pretty easy to help.
My kids are doing well, one daughter getting married next spring, her twin looking at buying a house (they have always lived together so quite a life change). My son is well, never a problem.
Both step-sons are not really talking to their dad right now. They are mad at him for being upset at their latest Difficult Child-ness.
And so it goes.
You are doing remarkably well, dear and you are correct, you are left with no choice, and that is their choice.Trying to focus on self care, have to. Thanks for your backup.
This is very anti intuitive and I need to constantly remind myself that it is the right thing to do and as you pointed out that they left us no choice..and that was their choice..
Yes, Carolita, come on over to P.E. I would have found your story sooner there. For some reason, I have found myself drawn to that forum.Why don't you join us over on Parent Emeritus?
Lots more people go there, for whatever reason.
Hi Carolita, so sorry for your troubles, so hard, very, very hard. You have found a good place here, with wonderful people who reach out and give sound advice and support.
You are doing remarkably well, dear and you are correct, you are left with no choice, and that is their choice.
Right now, hubs and I are in no contact land. It is a strange, yet peaceful time after years of enabling behavior.
Yes, Carolita, come on over to P.E. I would have found your story sooner there. For some reason, I have found myself drawn to that forum.
Guess I should check out this one more often as well!
I am fortified by your strength.
Keep posting, there are many here, and we learn from one another.
Thanks New Leaf (love your handle!) For your kind words and support..If we have no contact it's amazing how much better we feel.. The opposite used to be true as we were so focused on his plight and I think took ownership of it. I am understanding better now that it's not mine. When I began to see how unwilling he is to do the simplest things with our support, things changed for me. It just isn't possible to make that horse drink the water! I love my son with all my heart but I think I think it's the son I used to know not who he is today...that notion has helped with the grief...November 15th they must turn over the key to the landlord...I would like to hear more of your story, too. See you at Emeritus!Hi Carolita, so sorry for your troubles, so hard, very, very hard. You have found a good place here, with wonderful people who reach out and give sound advice and support.
You are doing remarkably well, dear and you are correct, you are left with no choice, and that is their choice.
Right now, hubs and I are in no contact land. It is a strange, yet peaceful time after years of enabling behavior.
Yes, Carolita, come on over to P.E. I would have found your story sooner there. For some reason, I have found myself drawn to that forum.
Guess I should check out this one more often as well!
I am fortified by your strength.
Keep posting, there are many here, and we learn from one another.
Your very welcome Carolita, your handle is like a lovely birdsong! I am glad you are doing so well. It is hard, so not what we wish for our children, sigh. It is up to them to choose.Thanks New Leaf (love your handle!) For your kind words and support..If we have no contact it's amazing how much better we feel..
Yup, can't make um drink. It becomes a matter of give and take, we gave-they took.The opposite used to be true as we were so focused on his plight and I think took ownership of it. I am understanding better now that it's not mine. When I began to see how unwilling he is to do the simplest things with our support, things changed for me. It just isn't possible to make that horse drink the water!
I too, think the same way. I told my boy just yesterday that I missed his sisters, not the them they are now, the them they were before. He said "Yup Mom, me too." We leave it at that.I love my son with all my heart but I think I think it's the son I used to know not who he is today...that notion has helped with the grief...November 15th they must turn over the key to the landlord.
My story is over there at P.E. you are welcome to check it out. You take care too, dear.I would like to hear more of your story, too. See you at Emeritus!
Take care, Carolita
I know the worry, and also the manipulation to draw me back in. It has all been so awfully, awfully tiresome. I do not want to live the rest of my life like that, just because my D c's do.I'm anxious at times and have trouble sleeping.. In 2 weeks son and girlfriend will have to leave apt..girlfriend says son is not accepting it at all, via text...I worry that he is not right at all.
Ahhhh the blame. It is a game. Don't get caught up in it.Never accepts and still blames everyone else. Just have to keep the focus on me right now..and live in my day...I'm doing these breathing exercises and walking everyday..Still finding some joy in each day and grateful for many things..so glad I'm not alone..
How are you doing today, Carolita?
Is the girlfriend more reasonable and understanding of the situation? Does she have any plans for what their next step will be?