Amy and COVID


Well-Known Member
I'm so frightened and sad to hear of the illness that's affecting us here. It's so maddening, I feel like it didn't have to end up this way. I'm in California and we shut down early and have been fairly compliant on the whole about face masks, etc. And still. Here we are. I'm 67 and my husband has poorly controlled rheumatoid arthritis. He's on those nasty infusions that wipe out your immune system. My grandkids are distance learning, so we don't have to worry about that, at least. Their mother lives in her car and her friends are all getting the virus. She had asthma and a worn down system from years of meth abuse, and now alcohol, too. She doesn't visit very often and she understands infection control from when she was working as a dental assistant.

I had to take my grandson to get his braces on last week (oh, that was fun) and there were so many people in the office. I could see how hard everyone is trying, but it was also very easy to see how easily it could spread in that environment. This virus is just so sneaky and contagious and unpredictable.

Crayola: healing and comfort vibes speeding to your Mom and family. And continued progress for Amy. It seems to hang on for some and I hope she's not in that category.


Well-Known Member
Crayola, I just saw this. I will send prayers. Please please update us.

Everyone, be safe. More have died from this than from 12 years in Viet Nam. I heard more died from this than WWIi. I know most people recover and don't get severe COVID but this is still a killer. If you have diabetes, heart disease, are obese or smoke or are over 60, at least think about it before you go out. We all care about each of you. Wear a mask!!! Please. Love you all. You have all helped me very much and I care a lot.


Well-Known Member
Crayola...I am just now reading your post. I'm so sorry you and your family are going thru this. Prayers for your mom and dad. Ksm


Well-Known Member
My mom is still on the ventilator. The pulmonary critical care doctor said to be prepared for the worst. I raised enough hell yesterday to get into to see my mom because I may never be able to see her again. The pulmonary doctor said she will be be intubated 1-3 weeks. It's very scary. My dad is torn up, but is finally eating a bit. My mom has Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and asthma. Thank you for your prayers and kindness.


100% better than I was but not at 100% yet
Just read this Crayola. So sorry to hear about your mom. Prayers for your mom and family are being sent your way!!

In Alabama they extended masks until October. Cases going down here but we wear masks when shopping. I have to wear at work when I leave my desk. We're staying as safe as we can.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the update, Crayola. Still thinking of you and sending prayers. I'm so glad you got to see your mom.


Well-Known Member
She's still on the ventilator, but they were able to drop her oxygen from 90% to 30%! She is going to survive! I'm so excited I can barely stand it. Thank you for your prayers and sweet words. We didn't think she stood a chance. She even told my dad and I she wouldn't be coming home. The nurse was kind enough to put the preacher on the speaker phone. Things were grim. I have to keep my emotions in check because this is a very unpredictable virus. People can be fine and go down hill in four hours.

Please don't get complacent about wearing masks, etc.

I am fairly new here, but have been reading about Busynmember's daughter Amy and Crayola's mum, so sorry to hear they contacted this dreadful virus, but please to hear they are both on the mend.


Well-Known Member
Busy, that is so bad that the kids had to be away from Amy and she had to be alone while she was so ill. glad she is getting better and on the mend.

Crayola, So glad your mom is getting better. Keep us updated!! I know you must have been losing your mind!

Hugs to you both!


Well-Known Member
This COVID disaster is dysfunctional, and it starts at the top. Pretending a pandemic doesn’t exist isn’t a good strategy for dealing with it.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Crayola...I’m so sorry to hear your mother is so very sick..and also happy to hear of this recent improvement. Prayers for her and your family.

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