Angel's in crisis - I'm scared


Active Member
Calling the law on her isn't going to do much good as she is apparently above the law. Or her family has enough money to buy her way out of everything.

Example about 2 years ago she got mad at woman so went to her house and maced the woman thru her screen door, was home a couple hours later. Then showed up to pre-trial drunk was home next day, a month later did it again. Was suppose to be alcohol free for a year and during that year didn't stop drinking a single day. How is her probation over? She does stuff like that all the time!!!

The night she smacked 15yo TG she took one look at my eyes and ran - as far as I was concerned this uninvited intruder just hit my kid - if I kill her at this point it's justified. Not saying killing someone is justifiable but if see mother grizzly bear don't smack her cub! At that moment I was same as a mother grizzly bear. Make my kid cry better be able to run or defend yourself.

I've chased that woman out of here screaming at her more times then I can count, a couple where I would have seriously hurt her if could have gotten my hands on her. She is the only person I know that can push me to dropping the F-bomb on frequent basis.

Thought I had the boundaries thing worked out with her then a couple days ago she came walking in my house again. We had had a long talk on the phone and I had explained to her that I like her as a person and all - but her energy level runs too high for me with my anxiety disorder to handle being around, also I have 2 bipolar teens in the house and anything that interferes with their stability has to go. She has bipolar too so she understands the need for stability and realizes she is unstable so didn't really leave room for her to disagree.

But she has unstable bipolar and she is lonely and a war with her is going to require energy I don't have; so I smile & wave but don't have time to come over. And make every effort to keep her out of my house.

love thy neighbor, love thy neighbor, love thy neighbor ... time to find another thread LOL


Roll With It
I don't care how much $$ she has. Even sons of billionaires and Paris Hilton spend time in jail sometimes. Tell her she is not to walk into your house unless you open the door and invite her, and that you will call the cops and get a restraining order if she does it again. Then DO IT. Over and over if you have to. Also keep the door locked.

I am serious. She hits your kids!!! She does NOT have rights to your house and with enough trips to jail they WILL get tired of it and start imposing more consequences, esp if you ahve a RO because she hits your children. Heck, report her to CPS for hitting your kids in their own home. Also call the cops eVERY time she is n a car and you know she is drunk. the more often the better. IF the cops won't do anything, call the state police and tell them that there is a serious corruption problem because this neighbor is assaulting your children and the cops won't arrest her. That WILL get some attention. Taking video of her and posting it on youtube with the headline 'WHY won't they arrest her for hitting MY kids in MY home?" will also get attn, esp if you send it to a bunch of people via facebook. Esp with pics of your kids crying after she hits them. I am nasty enough I would tell my kids to antagonize her, then cut the film just before she hti them to delete some of what the kids say. Yes, I AM that mean and nasty if you mess with my kids - regardless of how awful they might be at the moment.

I am serious - push the cops and tell them you will report them for corruption if they don't arrest her. Or just do it. Heck, what freaks her out? Why not start chanting and have a 'ceremony' outside after the kids are in bed and put a 'spell' on her? I have freaked a few people out that way to get them to leave me the heck alone. Drunk/stoned people tend to freak out pretty easy - and mostly by that point I am having fun with it. I have gotten a few poepl to believe in witchcraft based on nonsense I spouted while blowing spices like cinnamon or cumin around and chanting around black candles. ALL nonsense - usually saying something about farmers in fields or other high school latin nonsense, but they rarely realize that while drunk/stoned.

Or else totally freak out on her - rage, tantrum, scream, throw things on her (liquids that are not hot - I like koolaid because it stains), growl and bare your teeth like you are going to tear her throat out. Again, totally NOT joking - this often will chase idiots away when needed. Got my neighbor to stop shooting moles and gopher this way when the cops didn't do it. He was flat out terrified that his crazy %itch of a neighbor was going to rip his throat out with her teeth - and don'tcha know her relatives are WOLVES!!!! Seriously, the preacher across the street was laughing his head off when he told husband what this neighbor was saying about me. I get real mean when threatened, esp if my kids are near. And that IS a family last name, so I dropped it and the fool really thinks I become a wolf on the full moon. OF course going out after dark and howling didn't contribute to that. NOT A BIT. (Yes, this is a family thing that my dad always did with us for some reason, and he did with my kids so they have always done it. I think my dad did it to freak out some of our neighbors wehn I was little, at least that is the only reason I was eveer given. He just likes messing with idiots more than most anything, so who knows why he did it.But my kids have done it since they were babies - before they could say words they were howling with Gpa after bedtime. So I just used it with this fool next door. But anyway, stop taking this itch's koi and go off on her. Then start the chants nad the howls. I bet Angel would LOVE to help you howl at night.