I used to be much more into the holiday. When I was young (20's) and single, I still put a Christmas tree up every year, even when I lived alone. When my son was young, we did tons of holiday stuff...the usual cookies for Santa and surprises. But I think at some point enough is enough.
Of course, as I said, I'll do something this year for him, but I'm not going to get into the commercial aspect at all. No Black Friday craziness anymore for this girl! I used to do that...but really, I decided long ago my time is too valuable to waste getting up and fighting the crowd. I shop on-line and get the same deals anyway! No, this year and I suspect at least until I have grandkids, we're going to be very low-key and think about the reason for the season and concentrate on my husband and me.
I'm definitely keeping my expectations low. After the last few years of Christmas disappointments, I have no intention of expecting anything from him other than a Thank You for what I give to him. If I expect nothing then I won't be disappointed.
I actually did buy my son the $5 trac phone yesterday, along with 60 minutes. Fact is, he needs a phone to call work, call apartments, etc., and I'm going to save money in the long run by him NOT wanting to come over and use ours. He actually showed some gratitude. Is he changing a bit? Time will tell. I'm also taking him and the girlfriend to see an apartment today. I'm sure it's a bit "slummy" but the landlord told him they'd work with them on the deposit and such. I hope it works out; would love to get them moved over the long weekend. Fingers crossed.